[Bioc-devel] About Adding SSH Keys to GitHub Account
露崎 弘毅
k@t@the-@n@wer @ending from hotm@il@co@jp
Thu Jul 5 02:01:47 CEST 2018
Hi, Martin and All
Sorry for forgetting "reply all".
After setting the web-hook, build system properly recongnizes the version change of my package.
However, another error message is generated,
the build results were: "ERROR".
I checked the build report (http://bioconductor.org/spb_reports/LRBaseDbi_buildreport_20180704195929.html)
and found that R CMD BiocCheck is failed.
The error message says,
* ERROR: Vignette must be built by 'R CMD build'. Please see the
`Vignette Checks` section of the BiocCheck vignette.
so I checked the BiocCheck vignette (https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/BiocCheck/inst/doc/BiocCheck.html),
but any case seems to be different from mine.
My package has vignettes and inst/doc directories and I saved only .Rnw file.
The line "* creating vignettes ..." is actually generated when performing R CMD BUILD, and I also properly added VignetteBuilder and VignetteEngine.
R CMD BiocCheck seems to search the line "* creating vignettes ..." in the file R.out, but how this file is generated?
Do you have any idea how can I modified the error?
差出人: Martin Morgan <martin.morgan using roswellpark.org>
送信日時: 2018年7月3日 21:08
宛先: 露崎 弘毅; bioc-devel
件名: Re: [Bioc-devel] About Adding SSH Keys to GitHub Account
Please be sure to 'reply all' so that others in similar situations can
If you incremented the version but the single package builder did not
start a build, the most likely reason is because the webhook is not
correct. See
GitHub - Bioconductor/Contributions: Contribute Packages ...<https://github.com/Bioconductor/Contributions#adding-a-web-hook>
GitHub is where people build software. More than 28 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 85 million projects.
See also the 'additional actions' section for hints on debugging the web
On 07/02/2018 10:13 PM, 露崎 弘毅 wrote:
> Hi, Martin
> Sorry to keep bothering you.
> The label "1. awaiting moderation" is changed into "2. review in progress".
> bioc-issue-bot tell me that the build results were: "WARNINGS".
> I confirm the build report page (
> http://bioconductor.org/spb_reports/LRBaseDbi_buildreport_20180628070303.html
> ), and understand the reason of WARNING, so I modified the part and
> bumped the version (v-0.99.0 → v-0.99.1).
> By the way, how the "Bioconductor Single Package Builder" recognizes the
> version of package is updated?
> I commited the new version of LRBaseDbi to the GitHub repository (
> https://github.com/rikenbit/LRBaseDbi ), but it seems that the build
> won't re-run ( https://github.com/Bioconductor/Contributions/issues/787 ).
> Thanks,
> Koki
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *差出人:* Bioc-devel <bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org> が 露崎 弘毅
> <k.t.the-answer using hotmail.co.jp> の代理で送信
> *送信日時:* 2018年6月28日 20:56
> *宛先:* Martin Morgan; Bioc-devel using r-project.org
> *件名:* Re: [Bioc-devel] About Adding SSH Keys to GitHub Account
> Hi, Martin
> Thanks for quick reply.
> Ok, I'll wait for the review.
> Thanks,
> Koki
> ________________________________
> �����: Martin Morgan <martin.morgan using roswellpark.org>
> ��������: 2018Ҵ6��28�� 19:59
> ���: ���� ����; Bioc-devel using r-project.org
> ��٣: Re: [Bioc-devel] About Adding SSH Keys to GitHub Account
> Hi Koki --
> The 'moderation' step requires a human to actually look at your
> repository. Usually it is quick, but sometimes it can take up to a day.
> Your package has been moderated and a reviewer assigned to it; further
> instructions (basically, wait for up to two weeks while the reviewer
> looks at your package in more detail) are in the comment posted to the
> issue.
> Martin
> On 06/27/2018 10:38 PM, ���� ���� wrote:
>> Hi, All
>> I'm trying to submit my R/Bioconductor package by Bioconductor/Contributions
>> https://github.com/Bioconductor/Contributions/issues/787
> <https://github.com/Bioconductor/Contributions/issues/787>
> LRBaseDbi · Issue #787 · Bioconductor/Contributions
> <https://github.com/Bioconductor/Contributions/issues/787>
> github.com
> Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of the
> package you wish to submit to Bioconductor Repository:
> https://github.com/rikenbit/LRBaseDbi Confirm the following by editing
> each ...
> [https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/2173745?s=400&v=4]<https://github.com/Bioconductor/Contributions/issues/787>
> LRBaseDbi �� Issue #787 ��
> Bioconductor/Contributions<https://github.com/Bioconductor/Contributions/issues/787>
> github.com
> Update the following URL to point to the GitHub repository of the
> package you wish to submit to Bioconductor Repository:
> https://github.com/rikenbit/LRBaseDbi Confirm the following by editing
> each ...
>> The process looks properly going well,
>> but "1. awaiting moderation" label is added,
>> because the message says
>> "Add SSH keys to your GitHub account."
>> Actually, I still added some SSH keys to GitHub.
>> Is this caused by my some mistake,
>> or is this caused by the difference between organization account "rikenbit" and my account "kokitsuyuzaki"?
>> Or do I have to wait for the process for some hours?
>> Koki Tsuyuzaki
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