[Bioc-devel] Web App for SSH keys

Obenchain, Valerie Valerie.Obenchain at RoswellPark.org
Thu Apr 19 22:49:02 CEST 2018

Hi Leo,

Great feedback, thanks.

On 04/19/2018 08:04 AM, Leonardo Collado Torres wrote:

This looks great Valerie, congrats to all of those involved in making
the web app! I hope that it leads to less questions/confusion.

Here are some minor comments, mostly about including some links/docs.

* Under the which packages we have access to, I noticed that it's not
showing the experimental data packages. I guess that's because they
are not in git yet (right?).

All software, data experiment and workflow packages are in git. You should be able to see all associated with your account. One of the goals of the app was to make package access more transparent which could help explain why a `push` or `fetch` failed. We match your email to the username we have in the gitolite packages.conf file. When I search packages.conf I see your username on these packages:

~/git.bioconductor.org/admin/gitolite-admin >grep -B 1 'master.*collado-torres' conf/packages.conf
repo packages/sva
    RW master = j.leek l.collado-torres
repo packages/derfinder
    RW master = l.collado-torres
repo packages/derfinderHelper
    RW master = l.collado-torres
repo packages/derfinderPlot
    RW master = l.collado-torres
repo packages/regionReport
    RW master = l.collado-torres
repo packages/recount
    RW master = l.collado-torres
repo packages/recountWorkflow
    RW master = l.collado-torres

If there is a package missing that you should have access to let us know. Also let me know if this differs from the list you saw when you were logged in.

* Under add an ssh key, the second option mentions "username.keys
files in your GitHub account". I hadn't heard about this before. Is
that file made automatically by editing
https://github.com/settings/keys? If there's a website that describes
this in more detail, I suggest including a link to it.

Yes, this is the standard keys file and is edited through github account settings.

A link has been added to the github HOWTO page:


* I've seen several emails where Nitesh and others ask developers to
check their SSH key using ssh -T git at git.bioconductor.org<mailto:git at git.bioconductor.org>, so maybe
adding a reminder there would be good. Actually, maybe just include a
link to http://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/git/faq/ from this
new site. By the way, that last link is not directly available from
http://bioconductor.org/developers/ (I think), I had to go to
http://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/git/ then "See other
frequently asked questions."

I've added a link to the FAQ.

Since the FAQ is specific to version control it probably still belongs under developers -> Git Source Control. Maybe we could change the title from 'See other frequently asked questions' to just 'FAQ' or something more obvious.

* Typo: "Which packages do I have acces to?" --> access




On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 12:53 PM, Obenchain, Valerie
<Valerie.Obenchain at roswellpark.org><mailto:Valerie.Obenchain at roswellpark.org> wrote:

My last email didn't make it through to the list - trying again ...

The Web App for managing SSH keys is now available at


Accounts have been created for all package maintainers. Note the central identifier, i.e., how you login is your email. This email was taken from the DESCRIPTION of your package or the Google Sheet if you registered a key there.

When you first visit the App you'll need to activate your account. An activation link will be sent to your email. Once your account is activated you can login. Trying to login without activation will lead to an error.

Let us know if you have any questions or problems.

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