[Bioc-devel] commit not appearing in report

Nicolas Descostes nicolas.descostes at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 15:52:13 CEST 2018

Dear Community,

I have done a commit the 11th of April that does not appear anywhere. My
package is ChIPSeqSpike and the last push should be 0.99.22.

The build report indicates:

<http://bioconductor.org/packages/3.7/bioc/html/ChIPSeqSpike.html> 0.99.21*
Nicolas Descostes
Last Commit: 026abdf
Last Changed Date: 2018-03-07 16:42:59 -0400

I have run the following commands:

descostes at reinbergLab:~/git/bioconductor/ChIPSeqSpike$ git log
commit 8a73abfd89db3af973f3f9d55283571451811ea9
Author: descostes <nicolas.descostes at nyumc.org>
Date:   Wed Apr 11 17:08:15 2018 -0400

    Corrected bug in object constructor

descostes at reinbergLab:~/git/bioconductor/ChIPSeqSpike$ git push
Everything up-to-date

descostes at reinbergLab:~/git/bioconductor/ChIPSeqSpike$ git diff
descostes at reinbergLab:~/git/bioconductor/ChIPSeqSpike$

I did not run the following commands as I am not sure that this could erase
my modifications:

BiocGenerics$ git checkout master
BiocGenerics$ git pull

Any suggestions?

Thank you,


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