[Bioc-devel] Long-form documentation for DelayedArray?

Peter Hickey peter.hickey at gmail.com
Sun Oct 29 23:08:58 CET 2017

FYI I also began a project to support an additional backend;
https://github.com/PeteHaitch/matterArray. It's incomplete and may not work
with the current version of DelayedArray (it's ~3 months old and I was
naughtily using some internal functions of DelayedArray). I hope to return
to this soon and I have plans for 1-2 other backends, so some additional
documentation would also be appreciated by me :)

On Mon, 30 Oct 2017 at 08:01 Hervé Pagès <hpages at fredhutch.org> wrote:

> Hi Francesco,
> On 10/29/2017 10:10 AM, Francesco Napolitano wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > packages submitted to Bioconductor are required to include at least
> > one vignette. However, it seems that this rule does not hold for some
> > core packages, such as HDF5Array and DelayedArray. Is there any
> > special reason for this?
> Infrastructure packages are not strictly required to have a vignette.
> However that doesn't mean they shouldn't have one ;-)
> >
> > In particular, I'd like to read more about how to create a backend for
> > DelayedArray. Is there any documentation available beyond the
> > reference manual?
> I'm guilty. I plan to remedy this ASAP. In the mean time I'll be glad
> to help. Note that other people are already working (or planning to
> work) on other backends:
> Backend for remote HDF5 data:
>    https://github.com/vjcitn/RemoteArray
>    See issues #1, #2, #3 for some discussion about this.
> Backend for GDS files:
>    https://github.com/Bioconductor/VariantExperiment/issues/1
> Cheers,
> H.
> >
> > Thank you very much,
> > Francesco.
> >
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> --
> Hervé Pagès
> Program in Computational Biology
> Division of Public Health Sciences
> Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Ce
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> 1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
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> E-mail: hpages at fredhutch.org
> Phone:  (206) 667-5791
> Fax:    (206) 667-1319
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