[Bioc-devel] Help with a Gviz-plot that differs on a Mac and on an Ubuntu machine

Stian Lågstad stianlagstad at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 22:11:31 CEST 2017

Thank you for testing, Dario!

There seems to be something wrong with those 5' and 3' markers. I'll look
into it, thanks!

On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 3:00 AM, Dario Strbenac <dstr7320 at uni.sydney.edu.au>

> Good day,
> I can't reproduce the problem on Windows, so it seems specific to MacOS.
> Is having 5' and 3' labels at the same ends of both DNA strands
> biologically incorrect? DNA strands are anti-parallel. See
> http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_place/biocoach/dnarep/strands.html
> Perhaps making the line corresponding to the strand the gene is encoded on
> thicker than the other line might also be useful?
> --------------------------------------
> Dario Strbenac
> University of Sydney
> Camperdown NSW 2050
> Australia
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Stian Lågstad
+47 41 80 80 25

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