[Bioc-devel] FW: attract problems reported by the "Build/check report" for BioC 3.5

Samuel E Zimmerman sezimmer at einstein.yu.edu
Tue Oct 17 20:43:04 CEST 2017

Hi all,

The below email was sent to me regarding an error in my package attract. I haven't updated the package in several months but this is the first time I am seeing an error reported. I also went to the link below to check the build report and everything returns OK. Should I ignore this error message?

Thank you.

From: BBS-noreply at bioconductor.org [BBS-noreply at bioconductor.org]
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 2:35 PM
To: Samuel E Zimmerman
Subject: attract problems reported by the "Build/check report" for BioC 3.5

[This is an automatically generated email. Please don't reply.]

Hi attract maintainer,

According to the "Build/check report" for BioC 3.5,
the attract package has the following problem(s):

  o ERROR for 'R CMD check' on malbec2. See the details here:

Please take the time to address this by committing and pushing
changes to your package at git.bioconductor.org


  * This was the status of your package at the time this email was sent to you.
    Given that the online report is updated daily (in normal conditions) you
    could see something different when you visit the URL(s) above, especially if
    you do so several days after you received this email.

  * It is possible that the problems reported in this report are false positives,
    either because another package (from CRAN or Bioconductor) breaks your
    package (if yours depends on it) or because of a Build System problem.
    If this is the case, then you can ignore this email.

  * Please check the report again 24h after you've committed your changes to the
    package and make sure that all the problems have gone.

  * If you have questions about this report or need help with the
    maintenance of your package, please use the Bioc-devel mailing list:


    (all package maintainers are requested to subscribe to this list)

For immediate notification of package build status, please
subscribe to your package's RSS feed. Information is at:


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