[Bioc-devel] write access to git repos for two packages maintained

Martin Morgan martin.morgan at roswellpark.org
Fri Nov 10 12:59:36 CET 2017

On 11/10/2017 02:14 AM, Alicia Schep wrote:
> I have two new packages in latest release of Bioconductor, and am having
> issues pushing to the git repo for one.  One was accepted when BioC was
> still using SVN, and the other after transition to git.  I first entered my
> ssh key info into the form with the github username, and got access to the
> repo that was accepted after the git transition (chromVAR).  I noticed I
> did not have access to the other repo (motifmatchr) and so entered the form
> again with SVN username.  After that I had access to write to that repo.
> However, now I can no longer write to the other repo (chromVAR).  How can I
> get my ssh key tied to both repos I maintain?

both chromVAR and motifmatchr should now be accessible (using the ssh 
key associated with your github public key, which I believe is how you 
were accessing motifmatchr).

Sorry for the confusion,


> Thanks,
> Alicia Schep
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