[Bioc-devel] Cannot find SummarizedExperiment's function assays()

Martin Morgan martin.morgan at roswellpark.org
Fri Mar 31 12:02:13 CEST 2017

On 03/31/2017 05:29 AM, Sokratis Kariotis wrote:
> Hey all,
> Following your advice, the package now builds successfully! However, I
> got this error while checking:
> * checking package dependencies ... ERROR
> Namespace dependency not required: ‘SummarizedExperiment’
> Should I add /Imports ://SummarizedExperiment/ in my DESCRIPTION file?

Your experiment data package doesn't have an R/ directory so no R code 
(this is normal for experiment data packages). There is therefore no 
need to import(SummarizedExperiment) in your NAMESPACE, so remove it 
there. The warning will then go away.


> Regards,
> Sokratis
> On 30 March 2017 at 12:05, Martin Morgan <martin.morgan at roswellpark.org
> <mailto:martin.morgan at roswellpark.org>> wrote:
>     On 03/30/2017 05:21 AM, Sokratis Kariotis wrote:
>         Hey all,
>         Thanks for the input! I followed Marcel's advice and included
>         the library
>         in my vignette. Also, I replaced lazyData with a datalist. The
>         datalist
>         file includes "compressed_result : result" which is in turn
>         loaded in the
>         vignette using "data(compressed_result)". However, I got:
>         Warning in data(compressed_result) :
>           data set ‘compressed_result’ not found
>         Error: processing vignette 'usingPathprintGEOData.Rnw' failed
>         with diagnostics:
>          chunk 1
>         Error in assays(result) : object 'result' not found
>     I Stangle'd the vignette
>       cd pathprintGEOData/vignettes
>       R CMD Stangle usingPathprintGEOData.Rnw
>     and then walked through the lines of R code. I got to
>     > data(compressed_result)
>     Warning message:
>     In data(compressed_result) : data set 'compressed_result' not found
>     The data 'compressed_result' is not found, because it is in the
>     pathprintGEOData package, and the pathprintGEOData package is not on
>     the search path.
>     > search()
>      [1] ".GlobalEnv"                   "package:SummarizedExperiment"
>      [3] "package:DelayedArray"         "package:matrixStats"
>      [5] "package:Biobase"              "package:GenomicRanges"
>      [7] "package:GenomeInfoDb"         "package:IRanges"
>      [9] "package:S4Vectors"            "package:BiocGenerics"
>     [11] "package:parallel"             "package:stats4"
>     [13] "package:pathprint"            "ESSR"
>     [15] "package:BiocInstaller"        "package:stats"
>     [17] "package:graphics"             "package:grDevices"
>     [19] "package:utils"                "package:datasets"
>     [21] "package:methods"              "Autoloads"
>     [23] "package:base"
>     It is not on the search path because, originally, pathprint had
>     Depends: pathprintGEOData, but that was modified, as you know, to
>     Suggests: pathprintGEOData, to avoid circular dependencies that
>     thwart our build system. So previously library(pathprint) was enough
>     to make the data available, but now you must either load the package
>       library(pathprintGEOData)
>       data(compressed_result)
>     or tell data() where the data set is
>       data(compressed_result, package="pathprintGEOData")
>     One would still like to use an informative name for the data (first
>     argument of data) and presumably an identical name for the object
>     that is loaded.
>     Martin
>         So the dataset is still not loaded (again, these errors did not
>         exist
>         prior to package acceptance). I have been using devtools to
>         build/check the package (since the github issue was closed) and
>         these
>         warnings/errors dont show up, which imakes it difficult for me
>         to fix
>         them. Thanks again for any input!
>         Regards,
>         Sokratis
>         On 27 March 2017 at 19:58, Michael Lawrence
>         <lawrence.michael at gene.com <mailto:lawrence.michael at gene.com>>
>         wrote:
>             Actually, I don't see where the package itself is loaded in the
>             vignette. If it were, this error would not occur.
>             Unsurprisingly, I get this when trying to run the vignette code:
>             Warning message:
>             In data(list = ds) : data set ‘pathprintSummarizedGEOData’
>             not found
>             I noticed that pathprintGEOData just provides
>             compressed_result, not
>             the "pathprintSummarizedGEOData" so I'm not sure where that
>             lives now.
>             You might also consider turning off lazy data and using a
>             datalist
>             file for that package since the file is somewhat large.
>             I also think that the datalist file for pathprint is out of
>             date.
>             Michael
>             On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 11:26 AM, Marcel Ramos
>             <marcel.ramosperez at roswellpark.org
>             <mailto:marcel.ramosperez at roswellpark.org>> wrote:
>                 Hi Sokratis,
>                 You can resolve this issue by moving
>                 `SummarizedExperiment` to the
>                 Suggests field and
>                 including a `library(SummarizedExperiment)` call in your
>                 vignette.
>                 Best regards,
>                 Marcel
>                 On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 11:09 AM Sokratis Kariotis
>                 <s.kariotis at sheffield.ac.uk
>                 <mailto:s.kariotis at sheffield.ac.uk>
>                 <mailto:s.kariotis at sheffield.ac.uk
>                 <mailto:s.kariotis at sheffield.ac.uk>>> wrote:
>                     Hey,
>                     I have submitted the package pathprintGEOData, which
>                 got accepted,
>                     but the
>                     build/check report is now producing the following error:
>                     *Error: processing vignette
>                 'usingPathprintGEOData.Rnw' failed with
>                     diagnostics:  chunk 1 Error in assays(result) :
>                 could not find
>             function
>                     "assays"*
>                     *assays *is a function from the SummarizedExperiment
>                 package which I
>                     have
>                     added on my Depends in DESCRIPTION. This error was
>                 not present during
>                     building/checking before this package was accepted.
>                 Besides adding
>                     SummarizedExperiment
>                     to my Imports what else might be responsible for
>                 that error?
>                     Thank you for any help on the matter!
>                     -Sokratis
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>                 Marcel Ramos
>                 Bioconductor Core Team Member
>                 Roswell Park Cancer Institute
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