[Bioc-devel] Question on the build and biocheck of the package

Aayush Raman aayushraman09 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 08:57:15 CET 2017

Hello Everyone,

I have developed a Bioconductor package and submit the issue to build and
check. I have some questions regarding on the build and BioCheck of the
package. Here are the questions:

1. It has passed the build and check on Mac OS and Windows. However, when I
am checking it on linux, I am getting the following error:

"ERROR: dependencies ‘NMF’, ‘cvxclustr’ are not available for package

Although, I know the NMF and cvxclustr are not present in the linux
machine, I would like to know if it possible to build the package by
installing other packages that my package depends on ? I am already
mentioned it on DESCRIPTION file. Do I need to do anything else before
submitting my package ?

2. After successfully building (using R CMD build) and checking (R CMD
check), I did a BiocCheck on my package. I got 2 warnings:

a. WARNING: Use FALSE instead of F (found in 1 files)

I am using a function called norm (from base package) where I need to
specify the type. The type I would like to use is Frobenius norm which is
specified by "F/f". How can I remove this warning ? or infom bioconductor
about this warning prior to their checks ?

b. WARNING: Add non-empty \value sections to the following man pages:

data.Rd is a dataset that I will be uploading with our package. I would
like to know how can I remove this error ?

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.


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