[Bioc-devel] question on bioconductor/package citation

Dwivedi, Bhakti bhakti.dwivedi at emory.edu
Sat Mar 4 15:13:46 CET 2017


I have a few general questions. With such a rigorous peer-review process in place for new package submissions in Bioconductor, I was wondering if there is a way to assess the package acceptance rate?

The reason I asked, I want to include the Bioconductor package citation in my NIH bio-sketch; however, given the format requirements, I cannot provide a URL and the unfortunately the release citation is not recognized similar to a citation for a typical journal article. Have anyone thought of a Bioconductor software journal? Is there a better way to cite a package that I am unware of? Would appreciate your help and suggestions.

Also, I am really interested in becoming a Bioconductor member/participant and volunteering as a code/documentation reviewer or contributor to a part of a project. Is there someone I can contact to achieve this or get an idea of what may be required to get there?

Thank you.




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