[Bioc-devel] how to minimally serialize a FilterRules object
Martin Morgan
martin.morgan at roswellpark.org
Wed Jul 5 23:17:00 CEST 2017
On 07/05/2017 05:12 PM, Robert Castelo wrote:
> On 05/07/2017 20:39, Martin Morgan wrote:
>> On 07/05/2017 12:59 PM, Robert Castelo wrote:
>>> dear developers,
>>> in the framework of a package i maintain, VariantFiltering, i'm using
>>> the 'FilterRules' class defined in the S4Vector package and i'm
>>> interested in serializing (e.g., saving to disk via 'saveRDS()')
>>> 'FilterRules' objects where some rules may defined using functions.
>>> my problem is that the resulting RDS files take much more space than
>>> expected because apparently the environment of the functions is also
>>> serialized.
>>> a toy example reproducing the situation could be the following:
>>> library(S4Vectors)
>>> ## define a function that creates a ~7Mb numerical vector
>>> ## and returns a FilterRules object on a function that has
>>> ## nothing to do with this vector, except for sharing its
>>> ## environment. this tries to reproduce the situation in which
>>> ## a 'FilterRules' object is defined within the package
>>> ## 'VariantFiltering' where the environment is full of stuff
>>> ## unrelated to the 'FilterRules' object being created.
>>> f <- function() {
>>> z <- rnorm(1000000)
>>> g <- function(x) 2*x
>> I guess
>> g <- function(x) 2 * x > 10
>> or similar would satisfy the requirements of FilterRules to return an
>> equal-lengthed logical vector
> oops, yes of course.
>>> fr <- FilterRules(list(g=g))
>>> fr
>>> }
>>> ## call the previous function to get the FilterRules object
>>> fr <- f()
>>> ## while the 'FilterRules' object takes 3.3 Kb ...
>>> print(object.size(fr), units="Kb")
>>> 3.3 Kb
>>> ## ... serializing it takes ~7Mb
>>> print(object.size(serialize(fr, NULL)), units="Mb")
>>> 7.6 Mb
>> I added the test case
>> testthat::expect_equal(eval(fr, 1:10), rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), each=5))
> but then
> g <- function(x) x > 10
> which is good for simplicity
>>> i guess this is the expected behavior behind functions and
>>> environments, but after reading about this subject (e.g.,
>>> http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Environments.html) i still haven't been able
>>> to figure out how to serialize the 'FilterRules' object without the
>>> associated environment or with a minimal one without unnecessary
>>> objects around.
>>> i'm sure many of you will have an easy workaround for this. any help
>>> will be highly appreciated.
>> One possibility is to set the environment of g() to something that
>> resolves appropriate symbols, e.g.,
>> f <- function() {
>> z <- rnorm(1000000)
>> g <- function(x) 2 * x > 5
>> environment(g) <- baseenv()
>> FilterRules(list(g=g))
>> }
>> the serialized size is then 11 kb and the test continues to pass. The
>> environment needs to be baseenv to resolve `*` and `>`; emptyenv() is
>> too restrictive. A package name space might often be appropriate
>> (though maybe large).
>> Maybe that's a Hack, and Michael or others will chime in with
>> something better...
> thanks!! indeed this reduces the size down to 1 kb:
> f <- function() {
> z <- rnorm(1000000)
> g <- function(x) x > 5
> environment(g) <- baseenv()
> fr <- FilterRules(list(g=g))
> fr
> }
> fr <- f()
> testthat::expect_equal(eval(fr, 1:10), rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), each=5))
> print(object.size(fr), units="Kb")
> 1Kb
> print(object.size(serialize(fr, NULL)), units="Kb")
> 1Kb
> how would set the environment of the function to a package namespace?
> wouldn't make more sense to leave it with baseenv() and call
> 'require(pkg)' within the function to load whatever the function needs
> from package 'pkg'?
environment(g) = getNamespace("S4Vectors")
but yes, maybe via setting to baseenv() and fully resolving symbols
foo::bar() rather than require / etc.
> robert.
>> Martin
>>> thanks!!
>>> robert.
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