[Bioc-devel] REMP package commit and update
Yinan Zheng
y-zheng at northwestern.edu
Wed Aug 23 02:10:45 CEST 2017
Thank you Martin. I tried again and here are the outputs:
yzk256 at FSMMJ047AEV MINGW64 /d/Box Sync/Bioconductor/REMP (master)
$ git checkout RELEASE_3_5
Branch RELEASE_3_5 set up to track remote branch RELEASE_3_5 from upstream.
Switched to a new branch 'RELEASE_3_5'
yzk256 at FSMMJ047AEV MINGW64 /d/Box Sync/Bioconductor/REMP (RELEASE_3_5)
$ git cherry-pick master
error: could not apply 6eb6a33... Fix bugs
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'
(Here I go back and revise the version number)
yzk256 at FSMMJ047AEV MINGW64 /d/Box Sync/Bioconductor/REMP (RELEASE_3_5|CHERRY-PICKING)
yzk256 at FSMMJ047AEV MINGW64 /d/Box Sync/Bioconductor/REMP (RELEASE_3_5|CHERRY-PICKING)
$ git commit -m "update RELEASE_3_5 REMP_1.0.1"
[RELEASE_3_5 5a444ed] update RELEASE_3_5 REMP_1.0.1
Date: Fri Aug 18 22:53:26 2017 -0500
26 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 inst/CITATION
yzk256 at FSMMJ047AEV MINGW64 /d/Box Sync/Bioconductor/REMP (RELEASE_3_5)
$ git push upstream RELEASE_3_5
Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/yzk256/.ssh/id_rsa':
Counting objects: 31, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (23/23), done.
Writing objects: 100% (31/31), 5.03 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 31 (delta 26), reused 12 (delta 8)
To git.bioconductor.org:packages/REMP.git
e6be793..5a444ed RELEASE_3_5 -> RELEASE_3_5
yzk256 at FSMMJ047AEV MINGW64 /d/Box Sync/Bioconductor/REMP (RELEASE_3_5)
$ git push origin RELEASE_3_5
Enter passphrase for key '/c/Users/yzk256/.ssh/id_rsa':
Counting objects: 32, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (24/24), done.
Writing objects: 100% (32/32), 5.29 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 32 (delta 26), reused 12 (delta 8)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (26/26), completed with 26 local objects.
To github.com:YinanZheng/REMP.git
* [new branch] RELEASE_3_5 -> RELEASE_3_5
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Morgan [mailto:martin.morgan at roswellpark.org]
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 6:46 PM
To: Yinan Zheng; bioc-devel at r-project.org
Subject: Re: REMP package commit and update
On 08/22/2017 06:45 PM, Yinan Zheng wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> I have moved my package "REMP" maintenance workflow to git source
> control as instructed and I committed a few bug fixes to both devel
> and release last week. Everything works well. Just wonder which site
> and how long will I be able to see the changes take effect.
The build report, e.g., for 'devel' is at
The 'Last Commit' reported in the header on that page is 6eb6a33
git log shows
REMP$ git log -n 1 --oneline
6eb6a33 Fix bugs
and the commit includes this version bump
REMP$ git show HEAD DESCRIPTION|grep Version
-Version: 1.1.1
+Version: 1.1.2
On the package 'landing page'
we have version 1.1.2 available, which is the version corresponding to the updated version -- everything looks good!
For release it seems like there are no commits since the branch
REMP$ git checkout RELEASE_3_5
REMP$ git log --oneline -n 3
e6be793 Creating branch for BioC 3.5 release
12e9632 bump x.y.z versions to even y prior to creation of 3_5 branch
5377642 0.99.25
so it looks like your release push did not succeed? Maybe you can try again and provide the output of your commands
> Thanks.
> Yinan Zheng
> Lead Bioinformatics/Statistical Analyst, Population Epigenetics Lab
> Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention
> Department of Preventive Medicine
> Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
> 312-503-5337 <tel:312-503-5337>
> y-zheng at northwestern.edu <mailto:y-zheng at northwestern.edu>
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