[Bioc-devel] philr recent build fail

Shepherd, Lori Lori.Shepherd at roswellpark.org
Wed Oct 12 17:33:54 CEST 2016

This is a problem with ggtree not with your package.  You should be okay.

Lori Shepherd

Bioconductor Core Team

Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

Elm & Carlton Streets

Buffalo, New York 14263

From: Bioc-devel <bioc-devel-bounces at r-project.org> on behalf of Justin Silverman <jsilve24 at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 11:26:41 AM
To: bioc-devel at r-project.org
Subject: [Bioc-devel] philr recent build fail

Hi All,
        I just checked on the status of philr build/check report. It had been clear as of 2 weeks ago but when I just checked it appears to be failing to build on all platforms.  (included built report from malbec1 below). I tried R CMD check and BiocCheck on my local machine without issues. I notice that ggtree is also having some issues (which I make use of in philr), perhaps this is what is causing philr to fail? Do I need to do anything?

Any help or advice appreciated,
Justin Silverman

### Running command:
###   /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.4-bioc/R/bin/R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data philr

* checking for file ‘philr/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* preparing ‘philr’:
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* installing the package to build vignettes
* creating vignettes ... ERROR
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: foreach
Loaded glmnet 2.0-5

If you use ggtree in published research, please cite:

Guangchuang Yu, David Smith, Huachen Zhu, Yi Guan, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam.
ggtree: an R package for visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees with their covariates and other associated data.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2016, doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12628

Attaching package: 'ggtree'

The following object is masked from 'package:Matrix':


The following object is masked from 'package:ape':


Attaching package: 'dplyr'

The following object is masked from 'package:ggtree':


The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Found more than one class "phylo" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'ggtree'
Quitting from lines 218-230 (philr-intro.Rmd)
Error: processing vignette 'philr-intro.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
unused argument (check.aes = FALSE)
Execution halted

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