[Bioc-devel] Version numbers incremented?

Ulrich Bodenhofer bodenhofer at bioinf.jku.at
Tue May 17 10:18:52 CEST 2016

Hi all,

I just noticed that the version numbers of many (yet not all) packages 
have recently been incremented from x.y.0 to x.y.2 both in the devel and 
in the release branch. Actually, this affected all four packages I am 
maintaining, but strangely none of the other eight packages that are 
maintained by other members of my group. As it seems to me, the only 
change was the version number in the DESCRIPTION file itself. What is 
the reason for that? I'm sorry if this subject has been covered already 
and if I should know that. At least I could not find any information on 
the bioc-devel list.

Thanks in advance and best regards,

*Dr. Ulrich Bodenhofer*
Associate Professor / Institute of Bioinformatics

Altenberger Str. 69
4040 Linz, Austria

P +43 732 2468 4526
F +43 732 2468 4539
bodenhofer at bioinf.jku.at <mailto:bodenhofer at bioinf.jku.at>
www.bioinf.jku.at <http://www.bioinf.jku.at/>

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