[Bioc-devel] some fixed bugs are not displayed properly in website

Martin Morgan martin.morgan at roswellpark.org
Thu Mar 24 10:39:29 CET 2016

On 03/24/2016 05:08 AM, Gmail2 wrote:
> Dear Martin,
> Thanks for your helpful reply. I bumped the release version into 1.0.1
> and now it’s available in the website
>http://bioconductor.org/packages/3.2/bioc/html/SICtools.html”. However,
> when I try to install it by command
> source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
> biocLite("SICtools")
> it got an error as “package SICtools is not available (for R version
> 3.1.0)”.

no need to include the screenshot, just the text output.

Note the 'Using Bioconductor version 3.0' line. The current release (the 
first release where SICtools was available) is 3.2 -- your Bioconductor 
(and R) are too old. Update R and update BiocInstaller via 
biocLite("BiocUpgrade") (or by remove.packages("BiocInstaller"); 

As a developer you want to be using the 'devel' version of Bioconductor, 
which at the moment is available when using the R-3-3-branch version of R.

> As for your second concerning, we compiled a custom executable samtools,
> the output of which could improve indel detection and can’t be obtained
> by Rsamtools directly,… This is also the reason that the package can’t
> be used in Windows platform right now. We already have a plan to change
> this in future but not at this version.

To be sure we're talking about the same thing, I mean that you can use 
the samtools library created by Rsamtools in your own C code; you do not 
need to provide an implementation of any thing in

I see that there are minor differences in the source code in files 
shared by SICtools/src and Rsamtools/src/samtools, but I think these are 
either due to differences in samtools version (Rsamtools is slightly 
more recent; neither version is exactly 'current') or to additions to 
the Rsamtools version that have been made in response to bug reports.

I see also that there are additional files in SICtools not in Rsamtools; 
I guess these are your additions.

Why not link to the Rsamtools libraries in your own code, removing the 
duplicated code?


> Best regards,
> Xiaobin
>> On 22 Mar 2016, at 13:55, Martin Morgan <Martin.Morgan at roswellpark.org
>> <mailto:Martin.Morgan at roswellpark.org>> wrote:
>> On 03/22/2016 08:34 AM, Gmail2 wrote:
>>> Dear Bioc-dev guys,
>>> I recently fixed some bugs in my package SICtools and commit the
>>> changes into Release_3_2. To my surprise, it seems that the source in
>>> the website
>>> (http://bioconductor.org/packages/3.2/bioc/html/SICtools.html
>>> <http://bioconductor.org/packages/3.2/bioc/html/SICtools.html>) was
>>> not updated at all.
>>> 1) On obvious discrepancy is that I replaced doMC with doParallel,
>>> however, in the Depends part, still doMC is displayed; and I checked
>>> the source, it’s still the old one.
>> Remember that bug fixes only belong in release. Are all the changes
>> you've committed bug fixes?
>> Did you remember to bump the version (to 1.0.1 in the release, 1.1.1
>> in devel)? If not the package is built but not pushed to the public
>> repository.
>>> 2) One more thing, when I try to install the package using
>>> source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
>>> biocLite("SICtools")
>>> I got an error message “Warning message: package ‘SICtools’ is not
>>> available”. Anyway, it should be installed even for the old version...
>> What is your sessionInfo() ? As with any bug report it is helpful to
>> provide the full output of the command.
>> It seems like your package is not supported on windows
>> http://bioconductor.org/checkResults/3.2/bioc-LATEST/SICtools/zin1-buildsrc.html
>> Too bad, why is that??
>> And also it looks like you've got your own version of samtools in
>> there, which is also too bad --
>> PLEASE REUSE Rsamtools or Rhtslib, both of which install across
>> platforms and have vignettes illustrating how the C code can be used
>> across packages.
>> Martin
>>> Can you please help me with these two issues? Thank you very much!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Xiaobin
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