[Bioc-devel] Build error in released version

Zhu, Lihua (Julie) Julie.Zhu at umassmed.edu
Fri Jul 1 23:23:08 CEST 2016


I just noticed that the released version of GUIDEseq failed at build stage, which did not occur previously and I did not make any change to the release version.

The error points to the GAlignmentPairs container. Is this an intended change and should I modify my code to accommodate the change? If yes, what is the rational to enforce the rule that

GAlignmentPairs container supports pairs where the 2 alignments are on opposite strands of the same  chromosome?

Thanks for your help!

Error in .local(x, ...) :
  For some pairs in 'x', the 2 alignments are not on opposite strands. Cannot
  associate a strand to them. Note that the GAlignmentPairs container only
  supports pairs where the 2 alignments are on opposite strands of the same
  chromosome at the moment.

Best regards,


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