[Bioc-devel] 100k SVN commits...
Martin Morgan
mtmorgan at fredhutch.org
Sat Feb 28 17:23:51 CET 2015
Commit 100000 is from Paul Shannon, to the 'RpacksTesting' portion of the
archive used internally for package development prior to release. Paul champions
unit tests, so it is both fitting that the commit involves a unit test, and
ironic that it removes one!
r100000 | p.shannon | 2015-02-28 06:02:47 -0800 (Sat, 28 Feb 2015) | 1 line
Changed paths:
D /trunk/madman/RpacksTesting/BrowserViz/tests/RCytoscape_unit_tests.R
an artifact, clearly not needed here
Runners-up are in the main repository,
r100003 | s.neumann | 2015-02-28 06:26:11 -0800 (Sat, 28 Feb 2015) | 7 lines
r99999 | stvjc | 2015-02-28 05:18:54 -0800 (Sat, 28 Feb 2015) | 2 lines
r100003 is via the increasingly popular git / svn bridge enabled by Dan Tennenbaum.
Top commiters include
hpages at fhcrc.org 9385
d.tenenbaum 8053
mtmorgan at fhcrc.org 4854
jgentry 3842
stvjc 3639
m.carlson 3300
p.aboyoun 3203
whuber 3093
rgentlem 3021
m.lawrence 2739
sethf 2720
v.obenchain 1814
rscharpf at jhsph.edu 1525
fhahne 1099
bcarvalh at jhsph.edu 1039
smyth at wehi.edu.au 1015
p.shannon 999
c.wong 994
n.gopalakrishnan 963
jhnzhang 890
Persistent commiters ('days' is diff(range(commit.date))) dedicated to the
project are
stvjc 5010
rgentlem 4943
maechler 4748
whuber 4542
ririzarr 4347
jmacdon 3813
bolstad 3800
smyth at wehi.edu.au 3695
fhahne 3581
bcarvalh at jhsph.edu 3579
sdurinck at ebi.ac.uk 3560
hpages at fhcrc.org 3452
holger.schwender at uni-dortmund.de 3449
khansen 3436
mtmorgan at fhcrc.org 3429
jgentry 3351
toedling at ebi.ac.uk 3320
kpollard 3306
rscharpf at jhsph.edu 3284
Aedin.Culhane at ucd.ie 3277
(stvjc, a.k.a Vince Carey, made his first commit on 2001-06-11, and most recent
commit on 2015-02-28, spanning the life of the project).
There are 35 new or other individuals with a single commit -- welcome to
Carl Benson of FHCRC Scientific Computing has maintained user accounts and
essentially uninterrupted availability of the subversion server for much of the
project, since at least 2005. This is an amazing contribution.
Thanks all for your hard work and contribution to analysis and understanding of
high throughput genomic data, r200000 cannot be too far away!
On 02/27/2015 08:25 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:
> commit 21: creation of madman/Rpacks/ and start of the annotate package
> by Robert:
> hpages at latitude:~$ svn log https://hedgehog.fhcrc.org/bioconductor/trunk/madman
> -v -r 21
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> r21 | rgentlem | 2001-07-29 14:51:48 -0700 (Sun, 29 Jul 2001) | 2 lines
> Changed paths:
> A /trunk/madman
> A /trunk/madman/Rpacks
> A /trunk/madman/Rpacks/annotate
> A /trunk/madman/Rpacks/annotate/DESCRIPTION
> added the start of some annotation functionality
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> H.
> On 02/27/2015 04:37 PM, Hervé Pagès wrote:
>> On 02/27/2015 03:28 PM, Martin Morgan wrote:
>>> I noticed that we're at r99955 in svn; who will be the lucky person
>>> making the 100,000th commit?
>> depends how many zeroes after the one you're gonna put on the
>> check... 5?
>> ;-)
>> H.
>>> Martin
Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
PO Box 19024 Seattle, WA 98109
Location: Arnold Building M1 B861
Phone: (206) 667-2793
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