[Bioc-devel] Warning "Register native routines" during BiocCheck

Martin Morgan mtmorgan at fhcrc.org
Sun Sep 21 16:20:28 CEST 2014

On 09/21/2014 07:12 AM, 张雨晴 wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to develop a new package named simulatorZ and submit it to the
> Bioconductor project. It contains a cpp file(coxformatrices.cpp) under
> /src. But
> there is a problem in registering native routines, which results in a
> warning during BiocCheck. The cpp file already contains the registration
> information below:
> R_CMethodDef cMethods[] = {
>          {"coxmat", (DL_FUNC) &coxmat, 26},
>          NULL
> };
> void R_init_coxformatrices(DllInfo *info)

This needs to follow the name of the package

    void R_init_simulatorZ(DllInfo *info)


> {
>          R_registerRoutines(info, cMethods, NULL, NULL, NULL);
> }
> coxmat is the name of the function. Also, the NAMESPACE uses useDynLib:
> useDynLib(simulatorZ, .registration=TRUE)
> But the warning still exists. The structure of the whole package is
> available at https://github.com/zhangyuqing/simulatorZ.
> Does anyone know how to fix it? I'd really appreciate your help!
> Yuqing

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