[Bioc-devel] RSS package feeds not updated

Kevin Rue-Albrecht kevin.rue at ucdconnect.ie
Wed Dec 3 12:09:58 CET 2014

Hi Stephanie,

I am using rss2email (
http://www.allthingsrss.com/rss2email/getting-started-with-rss2email/), a
script that I installed to track my package feed, and that is run by my
Windows task scheduler every day, to send me the RSS news in an email (not
as an RSS feed per se)

Now, just like you I get the good and the bad news following the nightly
build. But since I get them as emails, I just set up a filter to mark good
emails as read and I move them directly in a separate email folder (you
could also delete them).
This way, only the bad news show up as unread messages which catch my

Took a bit of time to set up, but then it ran seamlessly ever since.
No extra work for Dan, and developers who might want to log the successful
builds can do so.

Hope that helps.

On 3 December 2014 at 00:19, Stephanie M. Gogarten <
sdmorris at u.washington.edu> wrote:

> On 12/2/14 8:17 AM, Dan Tenenbaum wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Julian Gehring" <julian.gehring at embl.de>
>>> To: bioc-devel at r-project.org
>>> Cc: "Felix Klein" <fklein at embl.de>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 2, 2014 2:19:01 AM
>>> Subject: [Bioc-devel] RSS package feeds not updated
>>> Hi,
>>> some/many of the package build RSS feeds [1] don't receive updates.
>>>   For
>>> example,
>>>    http://bioconductor.org/rss/build/packages/DESeq2.rss (from
>>>    2014-11-04)
>>>    http://bioconductor.org/rss/build/packages/BiocInstaller.rss (from
>>>    2014-10-15)
>>> report package builds as broken, although the current builds are
>>> fine.
>>> In contrast,
>>>    http://bioconductor.org/rss/build/packages/GenomicRanges.rss
>>> was recently updated (2014-12-01) and also contains the build report
>>> of
>>> both the devel and release branch (the broken ones listed above
>>> don't).
>>> Most of the packages that I checked manually seem to be
>>> outdated/broken
>>> - I guess there is a issue with the underlying feed system.
>> Thanks for the report. I've had a look. I've changed the system so it
>> doesn't try to be smart about not updating feeds for packages that do not
>> have issues.
>> This means all package feeds will be updated daily, whether there is an
>> issue or not. Not sure if this will be annoying to feed users; we can
>> revisit it if it's an issue.
> I have to say, I liked the old system better.  I have a feed for each of
> my packages in the bottom of my email program, so I could see at a glance
> if there was a problem with one of the packages (new message in the feed).
> Failure messages are a lot more noticeable if they're not buried among lots
> of "nothing to see here" messages.
> Stephanie
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
>>  Best
>>> Julian
>>> [1] http://bioconductor.org/developers/rss-feeds/
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Wellcome Trust Computational Infection Biology PhD Programme
University College Dublin

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