[Bioc-devel] exp. data, updates

Stephanie M. Gogarten sdmorris at u.washington.edu
Wed Jul 10 21:51:39 CEST 2013

I had this issue with GWASTools/GWASdata at one point.  There is only 
one copy of an experiment data package, so if you change it, it will 
break the current release version of bsseq.  The solution I came up with 
was to add new objects with different names to the data package, and 
change my examples in the devel version to use the new names.  You can 
delete the old objects after the next release cycle.


On 7/10/13 7:05 AM, Kasper Daniel Hansen wrote:
> I have just changed the class definition for a core class in bsseq.  A
> supporting experiment data package, bsseqData, contains two objects of this
> core class and now it needs to be updated (specifically because the
> example() contains a command which prints the object and this printing now
> fails).
> I can update the bsseqData package, but do I mess with earlier releases
> when I do this? I am uncertain because the /data is stored in another
> repository. How should I handle this?
> Best,
> Kasper
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