[Bioc-devel] chain of failure based on "graph"

Robert M. Flight robert.flight at louisville.edu
Thu Apr 12 17:14:37 CEST 2012

Hi All,

Checking the build reports for my package "categoryCompare" this
morning, I see failures on the Windows machine. This appears to be due
to a chain of failures working backwords from:

"biocGraph" -> "Rgraphviz" -> failed to build for x64 -> "graph"

But the current build for "graph" shows an OK status for windows,
including the x64 binary. Should I be concerned at this point, or just
wait another build iteration?

I have not modified anything recently, so the currently available
binary is fine.

BTW, Category looks like it fails for the same reasons.



Robert M. Flight, Ph.D.
University of Louisville Bioinformatics Laboratory
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY

PH 502-852-1809 (HSC)
PH 502-852-0467 (Belknap)
EM robert.flight at louisville.edu
EM rflight79 at gmail.com

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