[Bioc-devel] devel build frequency?

Paul Shannon pshannon at systemsbiology.org
Sun Jan 16 23:25:11 CET 2011

I have recently updated by package in devel:  Jan 14th, 1245pm PST, revision 51922.  

Though I do my best to check the package before upload ('R CMD check RCytoscape') it usually takes a few devel builds to get things really clean.  So I am eager to see how the build went.

When I look at


it appears that the latest snapshot -- the latest svn version for the latest build -- is 51899 from last Thursday, Jan 13th at 11:24 am.  I keep checking back, hoping to learn if and how my packaged fail to build, so that I can make the necessary changes.  

When will the next build occur?  Or has it already happened, and am I looking in the wrong place?


 - Paul

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