[Bioc-devel] Suggestion for additional BiocViews (Was: Re: Updating biocViews of your package)

Henrik Bengtsson hb at stat.berkeley.edu
Thu Feb 5 23:22:51 CET 2009

Suggestion for additional BiocViews:

* Software / AssayTechnologies / Microarray / MultiChannel:
  For K channel platforms, where K >= 2 (or K > 2?), e.g. four-color arrays.


On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:41 PM, Nishant Gopalakrishnan
<ngopalak at fhcrc.org> wrote:
> Dear Bioconductor developers,
> We have been reviewing the cataloging of Bioconductor packages to ensure
> that new users can easily identify packages that meet their
> requirements. biocViews is a categorization system that helps users
> navigate the growing collection of packages in Bioconductor. The
> biocViews field in the DESCRIPTION file of each package determines the
> views under which each package appears in.
> The Bioconductor task views can be found at
> http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/BiocViews.html
> The views provided by biocViews integrate the software, annotation data
> and experiment data repositories provided by Bioconductor, thereby
> helping users identify packages that best suit their requirements.
> With the Bioconductor 2.3 release, we have updated the list of biocViews
> terms.
> The updated list can be found at
> http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/biocViews/index.php
> With the upcoming release of Bioconductor 2.4, we would like to
> encourage use of appropriate biocViews. We request all package
> maintainers to update their package DESCRIPTION files with updated
> biocViews terms most appropriate for their package.
> If you have additional questions, please contact us by posting to the
> bioc-devel mailing list.  We will be glad to help.
> Thanks in advance for your time and effort,
> The Bioconductor core team
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