[Bioc-devel] lumiHumanV1 missing

Vincent Carey 525-2265 stvjc at channing.harvard.edu
Wed May 7 12:47:37 CEST 2008

Hi -- it seems that the V1-V3 maps are assembled in lumiHumanAll.
>From a management perspective I can understand the impetus to
consolidate.  If there is a severe impact of removal of V1, let's
discuss.  I haven't tried it but I would expect the query resolution
to be similar, after substitution of "All" for "V1" in the package/db name

Vince Carey, PhD
Assoc. Prof Med (Biostatistics)
Harvard Medical School
Channing Laboratory - ph 6175252265 fa 6177311541
181 Longwood Ave Boston MA 02115 USA
stvjc at channing.harvard.edu

On Wed, 7 May 2008, Keith Satterley wrote:

> The package lumiHumanV1 was available on May 5th, 6:15pm (+10 GMT), but is no
> longer available. It's no longer at:
> http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/AnnotationData.html
> lumi Suggests it. When I install lumi with biocLite and dependencies=TRUE I get
> an error. Should lumi's DESCRIPTION file be modified or is lumiHumanV1 coming back?
> cheers,
> Keith
> ========================
> Keith Satterley
> Bioinformatics Division
> The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
> Parkville, Melbourne,
> Victoria, Australia
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