[Bioc-devel] Wiki discussion on classes for Illumina data

Mark Dunning md392 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Sep 5 14:50:06 CEST 2007

Hi all,

As you may know, there are currently multiple packages available  
within Bioconductor for the analysis of Illumina data, all of which  
offer different functionality and therefore users might want to use  
multiple packages to analyse their data.

However, each package uses a slightly different class structure to  
read and represent the data, which could make it awkward for users to  
translate between the packages. I'm sure you would agree that a  
unified way of storing Illumina data, would be desirable and  
therefore a wiki page has been created to allow users and developers  
to discuss to the best to move forward with this.

The URL for the page is the following and contributions to the  
discussion would be appreciated




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