[Bioc-devel] Solexa-ChipSeq

Jose M Muino jmui at igr.poznan.pl
Mon Nov 5 12:31:37 CET 2007

Hi everyone,

This is my first mail to this mailing-list.

I am beginning to write a R script in order to analyze some Solexa  
experiments (Chip-Seq) that we already have done in the lab. The aim of  
Chip-Seq experiments is to find DNA regions which have an  
overrepresentation of reads depending of the condition.

I would like to know if there is some other people doing this in  
bioconductor, and if there is some special format that I should use, or if  
I can help in something.

About the format I was thinking to use a Perl script, or a modification of  
the grep algorithm to locate each read, and after to use R to do the  
statistical analysis on the positions obtained with the Perl script.

Thanks for your time,


ALTERNATIVE EMAIL: josem.muinyo at cmb.udl.es
  Jose M Muino
  Institute of Plant Genetics
  Polish Academy of Science
  Strzeszynska 34
  61-479 Poznan
  tel. 48 61 6550254

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