[Bioc-devel] TypeInfo

Robert Gentleman rgentlem at fhcrc.org
Wed Mar 7 17:49:14 CET 2007

   Yes it is used, but not in Bioconductor, as that is not a really 
useful use case (at least not right now). MLInterfaces would benefit 
from it, as would anyone that was developing GUIs (but we don't have the 
resources to do that, and so it is not being done much).

   What we have done is to create small packages that provide interfaces 
to underlying functionality. In your case it might be
   vsnWS which contains relatively few functions that can be invoked in 
a web services mode. We have not exposed all functions in any package 
(mostly because you would need to have some sort of service model that 
captured state).

  best wishes

Wolfgang Huber wrote:
> Hi Martin, Robert, Seth
> what's up with "TypeInfo"? Seems that nobody has been using it so far in 
> Bioconductor:
> huber at lobito:~/madman/Rpacks$ find . -name DESCRIPTION \
>      -exec grep -H TypeInfo {} \;
> ./TypeInfo/DESCRIPTION:Package: TypeInfo
> ......and nothing else......
> and the last substantial svn commits are from 2005.
> Misha's person at ArrayExpress who wants to put Web-GUIs on 
> bioc-packages has asked me to provide the functions in vsn with 
> TypeInfo, is that something worthwhile?
> Best wishes
>    Wolfgang
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wolfgang Huber  EBI/EMBL  Cambridge UK  http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber
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Robert Gentleman, PhD
Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M2-B876
PO Box 19024
Seattle, Washington 98109-1024
rgentlem at fhcrc.org

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