[Bioc-devel] .First.lib error in beadarray

Mark Dunning md392 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Sep 13 17:21:49 CEST 2006

Hi all,

Apologies if this is a basic question, but I am seeing the following  
error in the 1.9 Check  report for beadarray on Solaris

Error: .First.lib failed for 'beadarray'
Call sequence:
2: stop(gettextf(".First.lib failed for '%s'", libraryPkgName(package)),
        domain = NA)
1: library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose  
Execution halted
See section 'Generic functions and methods' of the 'Writing R  

Full details are here:

I'm quite new to development, so unfortunately this message means  
little to me and it's quite puzzling that it appears on Solaris and  
no other machines? Would someone be able to give some pointers how to  
go about fixing the error?

Thanks in advance for any help


Mark Dunning
PhD Student
Computational Biology Group
Hutchison / MRC Research Centre
Department of Oncology
University of Cambridge
Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 2XZ

Email  : md392 at cam.ac.uk
Phone : +44 (0) 1223 763380

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