[Bioc-devel] Modifying a released package

Herve Pages hpages at fhcrc.org
Tue Oct 24 04:49:00 CEST 2006

Dear BioC developers,

This is just to remind you that, if you need to make changes
to the released version of your package, then please don't
forget to:

  - only make changes that fix bugs or improve documentation,

  - be very cautious with any change you make, in particular,
    don't forget (1) to run R CMD check (with R 2.4.0) on the
    modified package before you commit the changes and (2) to
    check the on-line build results 24 hours after you've committed,

  - add a short comment to the subversion logs each time you
    commit with
        svn ci -m 'my comment here'
    (this a general good practice, not only with the released
    version of your package)

  - finally, don't forget to bump z in the x.y.z version of the
    package unless you don't want the bug fix to make its way
    to the public repository ;-)

Thanks for your attention!

Best regards,

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