[Bioc-devel] NEWS September 2006
James MacDonald
jmacdon at med.umich.edu
Thu Oct 5 17:41:58 CEST 2006
September 2006
Combined doPlotEset, doPlotFCT, doANOVA, doLPE and doVennDiagram
vignettes into ABarray vignette
Removed knn imputation functionality
Changed the process for normalization. The default is still
quantile, but data analysis can now be performed using different
Added trial version of writeCdf(), convertCdf(), createCel() and
Added compareCdfs() which compares CDFs in a memory efficient
way and reports differences
Added a help section for convertCdf()
Added applyCdfBlocks() to complement applyCdfGroups()
Bugfix writeCdf() swapped ncols and nrows in CDF header
Added ability to output text files when using the biomaRt
related functions
Updates to plotPCA(), added two arguments pch and col to control
the plotting symbols and colors
Added 'One Slide' and 'All Slides' to many plot options
Added the 'Intensity Density Plot(All slides)' option
Added 'RNA Digestion Plot (All Slides)' option
Added 'NUSE-Normalized Unscaled Standard Errors Plot' option
Added 'RLE-Relative Log Expression Plot' option
Renamed the image quality plot on the plot menu to 'Weights
pseudo chip Image (One slide) Plot'
Changed xxxLOCUSID to xxxENTREZID
Set LazyLoading as default for all builder functions
Bugfix: when the probe ids are all numeric, some environments
got messed up with probe ids being converted to strings with extraneous
spaces at the beginning'
Moved GOusage vignette and GO helper functions from GOstats to
Added chrCats() and other functions from iSNetwork
Removed obsolete data objects and added more interesting
Updated vignettes to describe new ExpressionSetIllumina objects
Added method for calculating Illumina differential expression
Added S4 methods and documentation
Improved 'combine' method for data.frame and AnnotatedDateFrame
Internal clarification of VersionedClass initialization
Added slot 'featureData and accessors featureData and
featureData<- to eSet
Added generic annotatedDataFrameFrom as a convenience for
constructing AnnotatedDateFrames
Improved updateobject, attempting to handle old-style S4 objects
extending vector
[[ and [[<- for eSet, accessing corresponding phenoData slots
Added platform, gui, interactive checks to addVigs2WinMenu. This
patch allows other packages to use a simplified idiom for attaching
vignettes to the Windows GUI menu; supressWarnings(require("Biobase"))
&& addVigs2WinMenu("somePkg") in the .onAttach function
Encreased speed and decreased screen real estate of show for
eSet objects
Added code and templates for the creation of data packages from
Added the 'AAString' class (the third direct 'BString'
derivation after 'DNAString' and 'AAString') for efficient storage of a
sequence of amino acids
Cleaning and fixes required by new AAString class.
Cleaned logic and code of the 'initialize' methods for
BString and derived objects, added 'copy.data' and 'verbose' args
Cleaned logic and code of the '==' and '!=' methods for
BString and derived objects
Added the DNA_ALPHABET and RNA_ALPHABET constants and the
'alphabet' method for DNAString and RNAString objects (still missing for
AAString objects)
AA_ALPHABET constants and the 'alphabet' method for AAString objects
Moved GOHyperG back to GOstats
Renamed slots pvalue.cutoff => pvalueCutoff, test.direction =>
Major rename of classes GeneCategoryHyperGeoTestParams =>
HyperGParams and similar
Rename geneCategoryHyperGeoTest => hyperGTest
Added accessor methods for HyperGParams class
Added conditional methods for hypergeometric calculation
Added PFAM methods; thanks to T. Chiang for the patch
Added code for testing of over and under represention in
Added function to perform B score normalization, and for
plotting the spatial effects
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