[Bioc-devel] Biocore Team maintainers for some packages

Rafael A. Irizarry ririzarr at jhsph.edu
Thu Mar 16 19:56:11 CET 2006

can you add geneplotter?

On Thu, 16 Mar 2006, Martin Morgan wrote:

> The 'Maintainer' field on several packages has been changed to
> 'Biocore Team'. This is meant to encourage Biocore members to fix bugs
> and make improvements.
> The email address associated with these packages is biocpkgs at
> lists.fhcrc.org; email sfalcon at fhcrc.org if you are a Biocore
> member and would like to receive copies of email sent to this address.
> Here is a list of packages now under Biocore Team maintenance:
> Biobase
> DynDoc
> GeneMeta
> Icens
> Ruuid
> annotate
> bioDist
> buildBioC
> externalVector
> genecluster
> genefilter
> gpls
> makeMatchAffy
> matchprobes
> rhdf5
> Please let me know if I have made any errors.
> Martin
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