[Bioc-devel] Making GOstats pathway analysis using data from both a and b chip s in one go.
Peder.Worning at astrazeneca.com
Peder.Worning at astrazeneca.com
Tue Aug 22 14:20:02 CEST 2006
Dear Bioconductor list,
I have been using the GOstats package to make pathway analysis of Affymetrix
data from the mouse MOE430a chips, and that works fine. Now I want to make
an analysis which includes the data from both the a and b chips in one go is
that possible?
My problem comes when I use the GOHyperG function where I have to make
either lib="moe430a" or lib="moe430b". Is there a way to incude annotation
from both chips in the same analysis?
Here is the R code I have used:
indat <- read.delim("ASM+CSM+12X2+LPS_A.SAMROC.ann.molcl.logP.tab.txt",
header = T, sep = "\t", blank.lines.skip = T)
indata <- indat[!(substr(as.character(indat[,1]),1,3) %in% "AFF"),] # remove
AFF probesets
newdata_ASMup_01_pr02 <- indata[indata[,10] >= 2 & indata[,2] >=0.2,]
# GO pathway analysis from here
newdata <- newdata_ASMup_01_pr02 # Here is the dataset chosen everything
from here must be repeated for a new dataset ####
newprobeset <- as.character(newdata[,1])
newprobeset_a <- as.character(newdata[newdata[,61]=="A" ,1])
newprobeset_b <- as.character(newdata[newdata[,61]=="B" ,1])
gNll_a = as.character(unlist(mget(newprobeset_a, moe430aLOCUSID)))
gNsLL_a <- unique(unlist(mget(newprobeset_a, env=moe430aLOCUSID,
gNll_b = as.character(unlist(mget(newprobeset_b, moe430bLOCUSID)))
gNsLL_b <- unique(unlist(mget(newprobeset_b, env=moe430bLOCUSID,
gNll <- c(gNll_a,gNll_b)
gNsLL <- unique(c(gNsLL_a,gNsLL_b))
# The three GO ontologies using only data from the a-chip
gGhyp_BP <- GOHyperG(gNsLL_a, lib="moe430a", what="BP")
gGO_BP <- makeGOGraph(gNll_a, Ontology="BP")
gGhyp_CC <- GOHyperG(gNsLL_a, lib="moe430a", what="CC")
gGO_CC <- makeGOGraph(gNll_a, Ontology="CC")
gGhyp_MF <- GOHyperG(gNsLL_a, lib="moe430a", what="MF")
gGO_MF <- makeGOGraph(gNll_a, Ontology="MF")
gGhyp_BP.pv <- gGhyp_BP$pv[nodes(gGO_BP)]
gg_BP = sort(gGhyp_BP.pv[gGhyp_BP.pv < 0.05])
gGhyp_CC.pv <- gGhyp_CC$pv[nodes(gGO_CC)]
gg_CC = sort(gGhyp_CC.pv[gGhyp_CC.pv < 0.05])
gGhyp_MF.pv <- gGhyp_MF$pv[nodes(gGO_MF)]
gg_MF = sort(gGhyp_MF.pv[gGhyp_MF.pv < 0.05])
gg_BP.terms <- getGOTerm(names(gg_BP))[["BP"]]
gg_CC.terms <- getGOTerm(names(gg_CC))[["CC"]]
gg_MF.terms <- getGOTerm(names(gg_MF))[["MF"]]
ggt_BP = as.character(unlist(gg_BP.terms))
numCh_BP = nchar(ggt_BP)
ggt2_BP = substr(ggt_BP, 1, 50)
ggt3_BP = paste("BP: ",ggt2_BP, ifelse(numCh_BP > 50, "..", ""), sep="")
ggt_CC = as.character(unlist(gg_CC.terms))
numCh_CC = nchar(ggt_CC)
ggt2_CC = substr(ggt_CC, 1, 50)
ggt3_CC = paste("CC: ",ggt2_CC, ifelse(numCh_CC > 50, "..", ""), sep="")
ggt_MF = as.character(unlist(gg_MF.terms))
numCh_MF = nchar(ggt_MF)
ggt2_MF = substr(ggt_MF, 1, 50)
ggt3_MF = paste("MF: ",ggt2_MF, ifelse(numCh_MF > 50, "..", ""), sep="")
##get counts
gg_BP.counts <- gGhyp_BP$intCounts[names(gg_BP)]
gg_CC.counts <- gGhyp_CC$intCounts[names(gg_CC)]
gg_MF.counts <- gGhyp_MF$intCounts[names(gg_MF)]
gg_BP.allcounts <- gGhyp_BP$goCounts[names(gg_BP)]
gg_CC.allcounts <- gGhyp_CC$goCounts[names(gg_CC)]
gg_MF.allcounts <- gGhyp_MF$goCounts[names(gg_MF)]
ggMat_BP = matrix(c(names(gg_BP.terms), ggt3_BP, signif(gg_BP,3),
gg_BP.counts, gg_BP.allcounts),
byrow=FALSE, nc=5, dimnames=list(1:length(gg_BP), c("GO ID",
"Term", "p-value","No of Genes","Total number")))
ggMat_CC = matrix(c(names(gg_CC.terms), ggt3_CC, signif(gg_CC,3),
gg_CC.counts, gg_CC.allcounts),
byrow=FALSE, nc=5, dimnames=list(1:length(gg_CC), c("GO ID",
"Term", "p-value","No of Genes","Total number")))
ggMat_MF = matrix(c(names(gg_MF.terms), ggt3_MF, signif(gg_MF,3),
gg_MF.counts, gg_MF.allcounts),
byrow=FALSE, nc=5, dimnames=list(1:length(gg_MF), c("GO ID",
"Term", "p-value","No of Genes","Total number")))
newMat <- rbind(ggMat_BP,ggMat_CC,ggMat_MF)
This is what I have done and it works beautifully, but how do I make the
analysis using both chips, because making the analysis seaprate of the A and
the B chip data doesn't make sense. It means that the B chip data is somehow
useless in this context. I have the same problem with my human data.
Some technical details: R is version 2.3.1 and GOstats is version 1.6.0 and
the annotation files are moe430a_1.12.0 and moeb430_1.12.0
Sincerly yours
Peder Worning, PhD
Senior Scientist, Bioinformatics
AstraZeneca R&D Lund
S-221 87 Lund, Sweden
Tel: +46 46 33 72 93
Fax: +46 46 33 71 64
Email: peder.worning at astrazeneca.com
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