[Bioc-devel] Newbie Question - How to submit patches

Robert Gentleman rgentlem at fhcrc.org
Fri Oct 14 19:39:29 CEST 2005


Paul Gordon wrote:
> Robert Gentleman wrote:
>> As for coding standards etc, I refer you to the document Writing R 
>> Extensions, and possibly to the R Installation and Administration 
>> Guide (both of which should have come with your R).
> Thanks for the pointer, it has lot of good tips.  This document though 
> seems to use ANSI as a baseline:
> The following tools can "safely be assumed" for R extensions.
>    * An ISO 9899, also known as ISO C89 or ANSI C compiler...Any
>      extensions, such as POSIX or ISO C99, must be tested for,
>      typically using Autoconf
  Yes, but you still have not provided me with a reference to what you 
think ANSI says.

> Does bioconductor use autoconf, or perhaps autoconf doesn't catch the 
> flag requirement as it should?
>> Perhaps if you showed us the real output from your compiler more could 
>> be determined and less guessed. I see from your second email that you 
>> did not in fact find the "first" declaration in the file, but rather 
>> the first that was not at the start of a block.
>>  I've created
>>> patches for the few source files affected (using malloc() to 
>>> dynamically create these arrays), but how should I submit these?  Am 
>>> I the first person not using gcc under Unix?
>>  I suspect not.
>>  And no we really don't want to malloc, Ralloc might be lived with, 
>> but first let's make sure we agree on the problem and then see what 
>> the fix is.
> Since it is only allocated once, realloc and malloc function 
> equivalently, so I chose the former (one less parameter to type :-))  
> I've attached my revisions for your perusal (relevant lines are label 
> with a comment with my name).  Once again, I'm new to R and 
> Bioconductor, so my questions are not meant to insult anyone's code, but 
> rather to help me understand how I can get my development in line with 
> the R way...

  My use of Ralloc was not a typo, it is not realloc. It is typically 
not such a good idea to be futzing with malloc in a language that does 
its own memory management.

  I still await the compiler errors, as I said earlier, the place to 
start  is with a agreement on what the problem is. Have you checked to 
see if this is merely a compiler switch for you? And if so, why would 
that not be the best solution?

  Best wishes,

>>   Robert
>>> Thanks in advance for your input,
>>> Paul Gordon
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Bioc-devel at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list
>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioc-devel
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <R.h>
> #include <Rdefines.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> void pAUC(double *data, int *nd, double *cutp, int *nc, int *truth, 
> 	  double *spec, double *sens, double *area, double *b) {
>   int i, j, k, pred, d, rsum, csum, rcount, ccount, lx;
>   double x[*nc];
>   double y[*nc];
>   double m;
>   double h;
>   double yb;
>   /*  Paul Gordon - these vars were declared elsewhere in the function, but Sun's cc didn't like that */
>   double *xin;
>   double *yin;
>   double *xall;
>   double *yall;
>   double *xdummy;  
>   double *ydummy;
>   /* this code computes roc for a given n * n matrix at given 
>      cut points */
>   for(k=0; k<nd[0]; k++){   /* iterate over rows (genes) */
>     for(i=k; i<*nc*nd[0]; i+=nd[0]){   /* iterate over cut points */
>       rsum = csum = rcount = ccount = 0;  
>       for(j=k, d=0; j<nd[0]*nd[1]; j+=nd[0], d++){   /* iterate over 
> 							columns (samples) */
> 		  pred = data[j] > cutp[i] ? 1 : 0;
> 		  if(truth[d] == 1){
> 			 rsum += pred;
> 			 rcount++;
> 		  }
> 		  else{
> 			 csum+=(1-pred);
> 			 ccount++;
> 		  }
>       }   /* for j */
>       sens[i] = (double)rsum/rcount;
>       spec[i] = (double)csum/ccount;
>     }   /* for i */
>     /* this computes pAUC for roc curve in row k*/
>     for(i=k,d=0; i<*nc*nd[0]; i+=nd[0],d++){
>       x[d] = 1 - spec[i];
>       y[d] = sens[i];
>     }
>     lx = d;
>     if(x[0] > x[lx]){   /* reverse order if necessary */ 
>       /* Paul Gordon - double xdummy[lx] and ydummy[lx] were declared here */
>       if((xdummy = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*lx)) == NULL){
>         perror("While creating dummy 'x' array in pAUC (genefilter package)");
>       }
>       if((ydummy = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*lx)) == NULL){
>         perror("While creating dummy 'y' array in pAUC (genefilter package)");
>       }
>       for(i=0; i<lx; i++){
> 	xdummy[i] = x[i];
> 	ydummy[i] = y[i];
>       }
>       for(i=1; i<lx+1; i++){
> 	x[i-1] = xdummy[lx-i];
> 	y[i-1] = ydummy[lx-i];
>       }
>       free(xdummy);
>       free(ydummy);
>     }
>     /* Paul Gordon - double xin[lx] and yin[lx] were declared here */
>     if((xin = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*lx)) == NULL){
>         perror("While creating input 'x' array in pAUC (genefilter package)");
>     }
>     if((yin = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*lx)) == NULL){
>         perror("While creating input 'y' array in pAUC (genefilter package)");
>     }
>     d = 0;
>     for(i=0; i<lx; i++){  /* subset for iteration */
>       if(x[i] <= *b){
> 	xin[d] = x[i];
> 	yin[d] = y[i];
> 	d++;
>       }
>     }
>     lx = d-1;  /* extend subset to include boundaries */
>     /* Paul Gordon - double xall[lx+2] and double yall[lx+2] were declared here */
>     if((xall = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*(lx+2))) == NULL){
> 	perror("While creating all 'x' array in pAUC (genefilter package)");
>     }
>     if((yall = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double)*(lx+2))) == NULL){
> 	perror("While creating all 'y' array in pAUC (genefilter package)");
>     }
>     xall[0] = 0;
>     yall[0] = 0;
>     for(i=0; i<=lx; i++){
>       xall[i+1] = xin[i];
>       yall[i+1] = yin[i];
>     }
>     /* Paul Gordon - these arrays are no longer needed */
>     free(xin);
>     free(yin);
>     m = (*b-x[lx]) / (x[lx+1] - x[lx]);  /* interpolation at right boundary */
>     yb = y[lx] + (y[lx+1] - y[lx]) * m;
>     xall[lx+2] = *b;
>     yall[lx+2] = yb;
>     lx = lx+2;
>     for(i=0; i<lx; i++){   /* compute area */
>       h = xall[i+1] - xall[i];
>       area[k] += h * (yall[i+1] + yall[i]);
>     }
>     area[k] *= 0.5;   
>     /* Paul Gordon - these arrays are no longer needed */
>     free(xall);
>     free(yall);
>   }
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <math.h>
> #include <R.h>
> #include <Rmath.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> /*#include "nmath.h"*/
> /*#include "dpq.h"*/
> #define min(x1,x2) ((x1) > (x2))? (x2):(x1)
> #define max(x1,x2) ((x1) > (x2))? (x1):(x2)
> double posty(double p, double mu,double tau,double lower_bound, double *ans)
> { 
>   /*  double   lower_bound=.5;*/
>   int a=1; 
>   int  step = 60,K0,K,i;
>   double base;
>   double G1=0,F1=0;
>   double tmp;
>   double *pnorms, *g, diff_pnorms;
>   base = exp(log(pow(2,16))/step);
>   /*  mylog = function(x) log(x, base);*/
>   K0 = max(0, floor(log(lower_bound)/log(base)) + 1.0);
>   K = floor(log(p)/log(base));
>   /* Paul Gordon - double pnorms[K+1] and g[K+2] and diff_pnorms were declared here */ 
>   if((pnorms = malloc(sizeof(double)*(K+1))) == NULL){
>     perror("While creating 'pnorms' array in posty (gcrma package)");
>   }
>   if((g = malloc(sizeof(double)*(K+2))) == NULL){
>     perror("While creating 'g' array in posty (gcrma package)");
>   }
>   pnorms[0]=pnorm(log(p - pow(base,K0)), mu, tau,1,0);
>   G1=(1/pow(lower_bound,a) + 1/pow(base,(a * K0)))/2*(pnorm(log(p -lower_bound), mu, tau,1,0) - pnorm(log(p - pow(base,K0)), mu, tau,1,0));
>   F1= G1 * log(lower_bound/2 + pow(base,K0)/2);
>   for (i=1;i<=K-K0;i++){
>     pnorms[i] = pnorm(log(p - pow(base,(K0+i))), mu, tau,1,0);
>     diff_pnorms = pnorms[i-1] - pnorms[i];
>     tmp = (pow(base,a) + 1)/pow(base,(a * (K0+i)))/2 * diff_pnorms;
>     G1+=tmp;
>     F1+=tmp * log(pow(base,(K0+i-1)) * (base + 1)/2);
>   }
>   /* Paul Gordon - these arrays are no longer needed */
>   free(pnorms);
>   free(g);
>   tmp= (pow(base,a) + 1)/pow(base,(a * (K + 1))) * pnorm(log(p - pow(base,K)), mu, tau,1,0);
>   G1+=tmp;
>   F1+= tmp * log(pow(base,K)/2 + p/2);
>   *ans=F1/G1;
> }
> void Rposty1(double *p, double *mu, double *tau, double *k,double *ans){
>   posty(*p,*mu,*tau,*k,ans);
> }
> void Rposty(double *p, double *mu, double *tau,int *G, double *k, double *ans){
>   int i;
>   for(i=0;i<*G;i++)    posty(p[i],mu[i],tau[0],*k,ans+i);
> }

Robert Gentleman, PhD
Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M2-B876
PO Box 19024
Seattle, Washington 98109-1024
rgentlem at fhcrc.org

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