[Bioc-devel] Problem with getBioC()

Goeman, J.J. (MSTAT) J.J.Goeman at lumc.nl
Tue May 24 18:33:00 CEST 2005

 Hi Robert and Seth,

I was too quick in apologizing. I do still have the same problem, which now did not turn up in installing affy, but in installing genefilter. Running getBioC() a second time installed everything without problems. But then reinstalling R again and running getBioC() gave the same problems installing affy again. It puzzles me completely! Some traceback() information below.

>   I am wondering if this is related to the locale settings (are you 
> using a non-English locale?) and some of the recent changes in R to 
> support other character sets. Which would explain why we have 
> not seen 
> it - since we don't use non-English settings (anyone else out 
> there with 
> non-English settings willing to give this a try).

I do not think that this is a problem, as I'm running an English version of Windows.

> You might also try and set options(error=recover), to see 
> if that pops 
> you into a debugger at some useful point (did you try traceback()?) 
> Also, debug(install.packages), and then running this, would help to 
> narrow down just what we are looking for.

Traceback gives:

> traceback()
9: sprintf(gettext("unable to move temp installation '%d' to '%s'"), 
       file.path(tmpDir, curPkg), instPath)
8: warning(sprintf(gettext("unable to move temp installation '%d' to '%s'"), 
       file.path(tmpDir, curPkg), instPath), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
7: unpackPkg(foundpkgs[okp, 2], foundpkgs[okp, 1], lib, installWithVers)
6: .install.winbinary(pkgs = pkgs, lib = lib, contriburl = contriburl, 
       method = method, available = available, destdir = destdir, 
       installWithVers = installWithVers, dependencies = dependencies)
5: install.packages(pkgs = c("affy", "affydata", "affyPLM", "annaffy", 
   "annotate", "Biobase", "Biostrings", "DynDoc", "edd", "gcrma", 
   "genefilter", "geneplotter", "hgu95av2", "limma", "makecdfenv", 
   "marray", "matchprobes", "multtest", "pamr", "reposTools", "ROC", 
   "siggenes", "sma", "statmod", "tkWidgets", "vsn", "widgetTools", 
   "xtable"), repos = c("http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/bioc/stable", 
   "http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/omegahat/stable", "http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/lindsey/stable", 
   "http://cran.fhcrc.org"), lib = "C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw2010/library", 
       dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports"))
4: do.call("install.packages", args)
3: biocinstall(lib = "C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw2010/library", groupName = "default", 
       dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports"))
2: do.call("biocinstall", args)
1: getBioC()

Setting options(error=recover) gives me a huge amount of output which I can't make heads or tails of. I've put it down below.

>    Or another experiment - try just downloading the zip file, to the 
> desktop and then loading it...

That solves the problem, as my previous email showed. But it does not show why it occurs.



> options(error=recover)
> debug(install.packages)
> getBioC()

Running getBioC version 0.7  with R version  2.1.0 

Running biocinstall version 1.0  with R version  2.1.0 
debugging in: install.packages(pkgs = c("affy", "affydata", "affyPLM", "annaffy", 
"annotate", "Biobase", "Biostrings", "DynDoc", "edd", "gcrma", 
"genefilter", "geneplotter", "hgu95av2", "limma", "makecdfenv", 
"marray", "matchprobes", "multtest", "pamr", "reposTools", "ROC", 
"siggenes", "sma", "statmod", "tkWidgets", "vsn", "widgetTools", 
"xtable"), repos = c("http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/bioc/stable", 
"http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/omegahat/stable", "http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/lindsey/stable", 
"http://cran.fhcrc.org"), lib = "C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw2010/library", 
    dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports"))
debug: {
    explode_bundles <- function(a) {
        contains <- .find_bundles(a, FALSE)
        extras <- unlist(lapply(names(contains), function(x) paste(contains[[x]], 
            " (", x, ")", sep = "")))
        sort(as.vector(c(a[, 1], extras)))
    if (missing(pkgs) || !length(pkgs)) {
        if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" || .Platform$GUI == 
            "AQUA") {
            if (is.null(available)) 
                available <- available.packages(contriburl = contriburl, 
                  method = method)
            if (NROW(available)) {
                a <- explode_bundles(available)
                pkgs <- select.list(a, multiple = TRUE, title = "Packages")
            if (!length(pkgs)) 
                stop("no packages were specified")
        else if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix" && capabilities("tcltk") && 
            capabilities("X11")) {
            if (is.null(available)) 
                available <- available.packages(contriburl = contriburl, 
                  method = method)
            if (NROW(available)) {
                a <- explode_bundles(available)
                pkgs <- tcltk::tk_select.list(a, multiple = TRUE, 
                  title = "Packages")
            if (!length(pkgs)) 
                stop("no packages were specified")
        else stop("no packages were specified")
    if (missing(lib) || is.null(lib)) {
        lib <- .libPaths()[1]
        if (length(.libPaths()) > 1) 
            warning(gettextf("argument 'lib' is missing: using %s", 
                lib), immediate. = TRUE, domain = NA)
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
        if (type == "mac.binary") 
            stop("cannot install MacOS X binary packages on Windows")
        if (type == "win.binary") {
            .install.winbinary(pkgs = pkgs, lib = lib, contriburl = contriburl, 
                method = method, available = available, destdir = destdir, 
                installWithVers = installWithVers, dependencies = dependencies)
    else {
        if (type == "mac.binary") {
            if (!length(grep("darwin", R.version$platform))) 
                stop("cannot install MacOS X binary packages on this plaform")
            .install.macbinary(pkgs = pkgs, lib = lib, contriburl = contriburl, 
                method = method, available = available, destdir = destdir, 
                installWithVers = installWithVers, dependencies = dependencies)
        if (type == "win.binary") 
            stop("cannot install Windows binary packages on this plaform")
        if (!file.exists(file.path(R.home(), "bin", "INSTALL"))) 
            stop("This version of R is not set up to install source packages\nIf it was installed from an RPM, you may need the R-devel RPM")
    if (is.null(repos) & missing(contriburl)) {
        update <- cbind(pkgs, lib)
        cmd0 <- paste(file.path(R.home(), "bin", "R"), "CMD INSTALL")
        if (installWithVers) 
            cmd0 <- paste(cmd0, "--with-package-versions")
        for (i in 1:nrow(update)) {
            cmd <- paste(cmd0, "-l", shQuote(update[i, 2]), shQuote(update[i, 
            if (system(cmd) > 0) 
                warning(gettextf("installation of package '%s' had non-zero exit status", 
                  update[i, 1]), domain = NA)
    oneLib <- length(lib) == 1
    tmpd <- destdir
    nonlocalcran <- length(grep("^file:", contriburl)) < length(contriburl)
    if (is.null(destdir) && nonlocalcran) {
        tmpd <- file.path(tempdir(), "downloaded_packages")
        if (!file.exists(tmpd) && !dir.create(tmpd)) 
            stop(gettextf("Unable to create temporary directory '%s'", 
                tmpd), domain = NA)
    depends <- is.character(dependencies) || (is.logical(dependencies) && 
    if (depends && is.logical(dependencies)) 
        dependencies <- c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests")
    if (depends && !oneLib) {
        warning("Do not know which element of 'lib' to install dependencies into\nskipping dependencies")
        depends <- FALSE
    if (is.null(available)) 
        available <- available.packages(contriburl = contriburl, 
            method = method)
    bundles <- .find_bundles(available)
    for (bundle in names(bundles)) pkgs[pkgs %in% bundles[[bundle]]] <- bundle
    if (depends) {
        p0 <- p1 <- unique(pkgs)
        have <- .packages(all.available = TRUE)
        repeat {
            if (any(miss <- !p1 %in% row.names(available))) {
                cat(sprintf(ngettext(sum(miss), "dependency %s is not available", 
                  "dependencies %s are not available"), paste(sQuote(p1[miss]), 
                  collapse = ", ")), "\n\n", sep = "")
            p1 <- p1[!miss]
            deps <- as.vector(available[p1, dependencies])
            deps <- .clean_up_dependencies(deps, available)
            if (!length(deps)) 
            toadd <- deps[!deps %in% c("R", have, pkgs)]
            if (length(toadd) == 0) 
            pkgs <- c(toadd, pkgs)
            p1 <- toadd
        for (bundle in names(bundles)) pkgs[pkgs %in% bundles[[bundle]]] <- bundle
        pkgs <- unique(pkgs)
        pkgs <- pkgs[pkgs %in% row.names(available)]
        if (length(pkgs) > length(p0)) {
            added <- setdiff(pkgs, p0)
            cat(ngettext(length(added), "also installing the dependency ", 
                "also installing the dependencies "), paste(sQuote(added), 
                collapse = ", "), "\n\n", sep = "")
    foundpkgs <- download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available = available, 
        contriburl = contriburl, method = method, type = "source")
    if (!is.null(foundpkgs)) {
        update <- unique(cbind(pkgs, lib))
        colnames(update) <- c("Package", "LibPath")
        found <- pkgs %in% foundpkgs[, 1]
        files <- foundpkgs[match(pkgs[found], foundpkgs[, 1]), 
        update <- cbind(update[found, , drop = FALSE], file = files)
        if (nrow(update) > 1) {
            upkgs <- unique(pkgs <- update[, 1])
            DL <- .make_dependency_list(upkgs, available)
            p0 <- .find_install_order(upkgs, DL)
            update <- update[sort.list(match(pkgs, p0)), ]
        cmd0 <- paste(file.path(R.home(), "bin", "R"), "CMD INSTALL")
        if (installWithVers) 
            cmd0 <- paste(cmd0, "--with-package-versions")
        for (i in 1:nrow(update)) {
            cmd <- paste(cmd0, "-l", shQuote(update[i, 2]), update[i, 
            status <- system(cmd)
            if (status > 0) 
                warning(gettextf("installation of package '%s' had non-zero exit status", 
                  update[i, 1]), domain = NA)
        if (!is.null(tmpd) && is.null(destdir)) 
            cat("\n", gettextf("The downloaded packages are in\n\t%s", 
                normalizePath(tmpd)), "\n", sep = "")
        link.html.help(verbose = TRUE)
    else if (!is.null(tmpd) && is.null(destdir)) 
        unlink(tmpd, TRUE)

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