Stochastic Simulation
Autumn semester 2018
General information
Lecturer | Dr. Fabio Sigrist |
Assistants | Niklas Pfister |
Lectures | Tue 14-17 ML F 36 >> |
Exercises | Tue 16-17 (≈ biweekly) ML F 36 >> |
Course catalogue data | >> |
Course content
Examples of simulations in different fields (computer science, statistics, statistical mechanics, operations research, financial mathematics). Generation of uniform random variables. Generation of random variables with arbitrary distributions (quantile transform, accept-reject, importance sampling), simulation of Gaussian processes and diffusions. The precision of simulations, methods for variance reduction. Introduction to Markov chains and Markov chain Monte Carlo (Metropolis-Hastings, Gibbs sampler, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, reversible jump MCMC).
September 14th, 2018:
Beginning of lecture: Tuesday, 18/09/2018. (Exercises start on 25/09/2018 at 16:15).
Course materials
- Lecture Notes
- Slides used in the course will be available in due time. Exercises as well as solutions will also be provided.
- More information available in Organization sheet
Week | Date | Lecture/Exercise | Topic |
1 | 18/09 | L-L-L | Introduction, distribution of estimators, simulation in Bayesian statistics
2 | 25/09 | L-L-E | Simulation in statistical mechanics and operations research
3 | 02/10 | L-L-L | Simulation in financial mathematics, MC integration, accuracy of MC methods
4 | 09/10 | L-L-E | Generating uniform random variables
5 | 16/10 | L-L-L | Quantile transformation, rejection sampling, relations between distributions, permutations
6 | 23/10 | L-L-E | Importance sampling , simulation of stochastic differential equations
7 | 30/10 | L-L-E | Variance reduction: antithetic variables, control variates, importance sampling
8 | 06/11 | L-L-L | Quasi Monte-Carlo, introduction MCMC, basics of Markov chains
9 | 13/11 | L-L-E | Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
10 | 20/11 | L-L-L | Independence sampler, random walk Metropolis, componentwise modification, Gibbs sampler
11 | 27/11 | L-L-E | Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, introduction to reversible jump MCMC
12 | 04/12 | L-L-L | Reversible jump MCMC
13 | 11/12 | L-L-E | Accuracy of MCMC approximations
14 | 18/12 | L-L-L | reserve / buffer |
Exercise classes
Exercises will be held roughly bi-weekly, but on an irregular schedule. The statistical software package R is recommended for solving the exercises. The exercises will take place at the specified date from 16.15-17.00 in the same place as the lectures.
Series and solutions
Only phd students who are not taking the exam need to hand-in at least 5 well-solved exercises in order to get credits for the course. All other students do not need to hand in the exercises. You can hand in your solution during the class or by email until the designated date and will receive some feedback in due time.
Date | Exercises | Solutions | Due date |
25/09 | Series 1 | Solution | 02/10 |
09/10 | Series 2 | Solution | 16/10 |
23/10 | Series 3 | Solution | 30/10 |
30/10 | Series 4 | Solution | 06/11 |
13/11 | Series 5 | Solution | 20/11 |
27/11 | Series 6 | Solution | 06/12 |
11/12 | Series 7 | Solution | 18/12 |
Introductory books
- G. S. Fishman, A First Course in Monte Carlo. Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006.
- S. M. Ross. Simulation. Academic Press, 2012 (5th edition).
Books on a similar level as the course
- Ch. Robert and G. Casella. Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R. Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.
- Ch. Robert, G. Casella. Monte Carlo Statistical Methods. Springer 2004 (2nd edition).
- S. Asmussen, P. W. Glynn, Stochastic Simulation, Algorithms and Analysis. Springer, 2007.
- P. Glasserman, Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering. Springer 2004.
- B. D. Ripley. Stochastic Simulation. Wiley, 1987.
- W. R. Gilks, S. Richardson, D. J. Spiegelhalter. Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice. Chapman & Hall, 1996.
- S. Brooks, A. Gelman, G. Jones, and X.L. Meng, eds. Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo. CRC press, 2011.