--- title: "Packages in search()" author: "Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich" date: "March 7, 2016" output: ioslides_presentation --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE) ``` ## R Packages (that one slide of "Using R") The default list of R objects (functions, some data sets) is actually not so small: Let's call `ls()` on each `search()` entry: ```{r functions, echo=TRUE} ls.srch <- sapply(grep("package:", search(), value=TRUE), # "package:" entries ls, all.names = TRUE) fn.srch <- sapply(ls.srch, function(nm) { nm[ sapply(lapply(nm, get), is.function) ] }) rbind(cbind(ls = (N1 <- sapply(ls.srch, length)), funs = (N2 <- sapply(fn.srch, length))), TOTAL = c(sum(N1), sum(N2))) -> res ``` i.e., `r sum(N2)` functions in R version `r with(R.version, paste(major, minor, sep="."))` (Past: had 2297 in version 2.11.1, 2348 in 2.14.0, 2332 in 3.0.2 ---- ```{r function show} res ```