# Rscript to reproduce results in Faraway Ch 12 # Chicago insurance redlining # Brief explanation of the data (source: Andrews and Herzberg (1985)) # Several communities in Chicago claimed that insurance companies # were redlining their neighborhoods. # Redlining = canceling insurance policies or refusing to renew. # Data is given by zipcode: # race: racial decomposition in percent minority # fire: fires per 100?? housing units in 1975 # theft: theft per 1000 population in 1975 # age: percent of housing units built before 1939 # involact: new FAIR plan policies and renewals per 100 housing units # in the first half of 1978 (FAIR plan policies are mostly # given after normal insurance is denied). # income: median family income # Dependent variable = involact # We will focus on the relationship between race and involac # In particular: is there discrimination? # remove all objects rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) ############# # read data # ############# library(faraway) data(chicago) # remove variable 'volact' and rescale 'income' ch <- data.frame(chicago[,1:4],involact=chicago[,6], income=chicago[,7]/1000) summary(ch) # note high spread in 'race' -> good for our analysis ############### # exploration # ############### # histograms par(mfrow=c(2,3)) for (i in 1:6){ hist(ch[,i], main=names(ch)[i],xlab=names(ch)[i],prob=T) lines(density(ch[,i])) } # boxplots par(mfrow=c(2,3)) for (i in 1:6){ boxplot(ch[,i],main=names(ch)[i]) } # dependent variable versus each independent variable par(mfrow=c(2,3)) for (i in c(seq(1,4),6)){ plot(ch[,i],ch[,5],xlab=names(ch)[i],ylab=names(ch)[5]) lines(loess.smooth(ch[,i],ch[,5])) } # we'll consider log2(income) because of better interpretation: plot(log2(ch[,6]),ch[,5],xlab="log2(income)",ylab=names(ch)[5]) lines(loess.smooth(log2(ch[,6]),ch[,5])) # compute correlations ch.new <- ch ch.new[,6] <- log2(ch[,6]) names(ch.new)[6] <- "log2(income)" round(cor(ch.new),2) ########################## # full model diagnostics # ########################## m <- lm(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log2(income), data=ch) summary(m) # race is very highly significant (p<0.001) par(mfrow=c(2,3)) plot(m, which=c(1:5)) # ZIP codes 60610, 60607 (and perhaps 60621) stick out. # these are cases 6, 24 (and 35) # what is special about these observations? # histograms, with value of ZIP code 60610 indicated: windows() # new plotting window (for Microsoft Windows) par(mfrow=c(2,3)) for (i in 1:6){ hist(ch[,i], main=c(names(ch)[i],"zip code 60610"), xlab=names(ch)[i], prob=T) lines(density(ch[,i])) abline(v=ch[6,i],col="blue",lwd=2) } # histograms, with value of ZIP code 60607 indicated: par(mfrow=c(2,3)) for (i in 1:6){ hist(ch[,i], main=c(names(ch)[i],"zip code 60607"), xlab=names(ch)[i], prob=T) lines(density(ch[,i])) abline(v=ch[24,i],col="blue",lwd=2) } # histograms, with value of ZIP code 60621 indicated: par(mfrow=c(2,3)) for (i in 1:6){ hist(ch[,i], main=c(names(ch)[i],"zip code 60621"), xlab=names(ch)[i], prob=T) lines(density(ch[,i])) abline(v=ch[35,i],col="blue",lwd=2) } ######################################## # remove the 60610 and 60607 zip codes # ######################################## m <- lm(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age + log2(income), data=ch, subset=c(1:47)[-c(6,24)]) par(mfrow=c(3,2)) plot(m, which=c(1:5)) # what is a reasonable cut-off for Cook's distance? # 4/(n-k-1): 4/(45-5-1) # there are still influential cases, but we'll keep the rest of the data # note only fire is very highly significant now, # race is less stong than before, but still significant (p<0.05) summary(m) ### quadratic terms? ### # should we include quadratic terms? # we don't transform involact and race to keep clear interpretation m.quad <- lm(involact ~ race + poly(fire,2) + poly(theft,2) + poly(age,2) + poly(log2(income),2), data=ch, subset=c(1:47)[-c(6,24)]) anova(m, m.quad) # p-value insignficant -> we do not reject the null hypothesis that model # without quadratic terms is OK. ### variable selection ### # find the model with the "best" AIC score: step(m) # the model includes race, fire, theft and age # find the model with the "best" BIC score: step(m, k=log(45)) # the model just includes race and fire # find the model with the best adjusted R^2 score: y <- ch$involact[-c(6,24)] x <- cbind(ch[,1:4],"log2(income)"=log2(ch[,6])) x <- x[-c(6,24),] library(leaps) library(faraway) m <- leaps(x,y,method="adjr2") ind <- order(m$adjr2, decreasing=T) which <- m$which[ind,] nr <- nrow(which) nc <- ncol(which) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) image(c(1:nr),c(1:nc),which,col=c("white","black"), xlab="Models, ordered by adjusted R^2",ylab="Predictors") # the best model includes race, fire, theft and age maxadjr(m,20) # find best model according to Mallows Cp criterion: m <- leaps(x,y,method="Cp") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) Cpplot(m) # 1,2,3,4 (race, fire, theft, age) seems best # 1,2,4 (race, fire, age) is also pretty good # so we have several competing models. Three of them are: # m0: involact ~ race + fire (BIC) # m1: involact ~ race + fire + age (Runner up in Cp) # m2: involact ~ race + fire + theft + age (AIC, R^2, Cp) # let's take a look at them: m0 <- lm(involact ~ race + fire, data=ch, subset=c(1:47)[-c(6,24)]) summary(m0) m1 <- lm(involact ~ race + fire + age, data=ch, subset=c(1:47)[-c(6,24)]) summary(m1) m2 <- lm(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age, data=ch, subset=c(1:47)[-c(6,24)]) summary(m2) # race is significant in all of them # there are some highly influential observations par(mfrow=c(3,2)) plot(m0, which=c(1:5)) par(mfrow=c(3,2)) plot(m1, which=c(1:5)) par(mfrow=c(3,2)) plot(m2, which=c(1:5)) # take out zip codes 60612, 60621, 60653 (cases 23,30,35): m0 <- lm(involact ~ race + fire, data=ch, subset=c(1:47)[-c(6,23,24,30,35)]) summary(m0) m1 <- lm(involact ~ race + fire + age, data=ch, subset=c(1:47)[-c(6,23,24,30,35)]) summary(m1) m2 <- lm(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age, data=ch, subset=c(1:47)[-c(6,23,24,30,35)]) summary(m2) # what happens if we use all observations? m0 <- lm(involact ~ race + fire, data=ch) summary(m0) m1 <- lm(involact ~ race + fire + age, data=ch) summary(m1) m2 <- lm(involact ~ race + fire + theft + age, data=ch) summary(m2) # what can we conclude? # there does seem to be a relationship between race and involact, while # controlling for a subset of the other variables. # possible critique on this analysis: # - involact is not a perfect measure of insurance redlining # - we have aggregate data (zip-codes). hence we cannot draw conclusions # about individual houses/families in the zip-codes (ecological fallacy) # - the size of the effect is not very large. the largest value of the # response is only 2.2 per 100. if there is discrimination, relatively # few people are affected. # - there may be a hidden variable that causes the correlation between # race and involact. i can't think of a very likely candidate though.