

  • Corrected series that are not picked up can be found in a tray in J68

  • I'm always available for questions by email or during the exercise class

  • Please complain if anything is unclear about the solution of a series, my corrections, or during the exercise class

Comments about series 2

A few confusions about contrasts:

  • \(\sum_i \lambda_i = 0\) is necessary for a contrast

  • Two contrasts \(C_1\) and \(C_2'\) are orthogonal iff \(\sum_i \lambda_i^1 \lambda_i^2 = 0\)

  • Geometrically: \(\sum_i \lambda_i^1 \lambda_i^2\) = scalar product = 0 <=> perpendicular

  • Example: \((1,0,-1)\) and \((1,-2,1)\) are orthogonal

  • Example: \((1,0,-1)\) and \((1,-2,2)\) are not orthogonal

How to test if a set of contrasts are all orthogonal?

  • Solution 1: Test all pairs of contrasts one by one

  • Solution in R: write the contrast in a matrix \(C\), with each column being a contrast and check that \(C' C\) is diagonal.

  • Why does it work?

How to test if a set of contrasts are all orthogonal? (2)

  • Let's look at the element \(ij\) of \(C'C\):

  • \((C'C)_{ij} = C_{\cdot i}' C_{\cdot j}\), which is…

  • … the scalar product of contrast \(i\) with contrast \(j\), which is…
  • … \(\sum_k \lambda_{k}^{i} \lambda_{k}^{j}\), which…
  • … equals 0 iff they are orthogonal!
  • So if all off-diagonal elements of \(C^tC\) are 0, it means that all pairs of contrasts are orthogonal.

One-way ANOVA with R

  • Now you should be expert of one-way ANOVA, are you?

  • R formula: aov(Y~Treatment + Block, data=dat)

  • Don't write: aov(dat$Y ~ dat$Treatment + dat$Block)

  • Or worse: aov(dat$Y ~ as.numeric(dat$Treatment) + as.numeric(dat$Block))

One-way ANOVA with R (2)

  • Many people forgot to include the blocking variable! don't.

  • Transform the factor variables with as.factor().

  • In exercise 4, many people treated land as numeric, which messes up all the results and interpretation.

End of comments about series 2

  • Questions about series 2?

  • Questions about contrasts?

  • Questions about one-way ANOVA, blocking, etc?


  • Two-way ANOVA

  • Additive model

  • Model with interaction

  • Three-way ANOVA

Two-way ANOVA

We are now interested in the joint effect of two variables on an outcome Y.

Additive model:

\[Y_{ij} = \mu + A_i + B_j + \epsilon_{ij}\]

Two-way ANOVA: an example (1)

Disclaimer: the data used in this example is completely fake.

  • Age category: under 30 (0), over 30 (1)

  • Education: Higher education(1), or not (0)

  • Y: Income (in k CHF)

In R:

Age <- as.factor( rep( c( 0,0, 1,1), 2) )
levels(Age) <- c('young', 'old')
Ed <-  as.factor( rep( c( 0,1, 0,1), 2) )
levels(Ed) <- c('not higher', 'higher')
y <- c(4, 3, 5, 10, 3.5, 3, 4, 9.5)
# y <-   rep( c( 4, 3, 5, 10), 2) + rnorm(8, 0, 1)
dat <- data.frame(y, Age, Ed)

Two-way ANOVA: an example (2)

Ok, there seem to be something going on…

plot(y ~ Age, data=dat)
plot(y ~ Ed,  data=dat)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-2

Two-way ANOVA: an example (3)

Fit with R:

mod1 <- lm(y ~ Age + Ed, data=dat)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: y
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
## Age        1   28.1   28.13     7.5  0.041 *
## Ed         1   10.1   10.13     2.7  0.161  
## Residuals  5   18.8    3.75                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Two-way ANOVA: an example (4)

qplot(Age, y, data=dat) +  stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point", col='red', cex=5)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4

Two-way ANOVA: an example (5)

qplot(Ed,  y, data=dat) + stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="point", col='red', cex=5)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

Two-way ANOVA: an example (6)

There seems to be an interaction going on!

qplot(Age,  y, colour=Ed, data=dat) 

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-6

Two-way ANOVA: an example (7)

Model with interaction:

\[Y_{ijk} = \mu + A_i + B_j + (AB)_{ij} + \epsilon_{ijk}\]

Meaning: the response is different for any combination of A and B

In our example: the effect of age can be different depending on the level of education

Two-way ANOVA: an example (8)

with(dat, interaction.plot( Age, Ed, y) )

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

Two-way ANOVA: an example (9)

Fit with R (notice the * sign):

mod2 <- lm(y ~ Age * Ed, data=dat)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: y
##           Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)    
## Age        1  28.13   28.13     150 0.00026 ***
## Ed         1  10.13   10.13      54 0.00183 ** 
## Age:Ed     1  18.00   18.00      96 0.00061 ***
## Residuals  4   0.75    0.19                    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Two-way ANOVA: an example (3D plot)

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Two-way ANOVA: an example (3D plot)

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Three-way ANOVA: continued example

We learn now that the first half of our data were actually women and the second half men and want to take this information into account. The model is now:

\[Y_{ijkl} = \mu + A_i + B_j + C_k + (AB)_{ij} + (AC)_{ik} + (BC)_{jk} + (ABC)_{ijk} + \epsilon_{ijkl}\]

There are now 3 + 3 + 1 = 7 parameters… Do you see any problem?

Three-way ANOVA: continued example (2)

Let's try to fit a model:

dat$gender <- as.factor( rep(c(1,0), each=4) )
mod2 <- lm(y ~ Age * Ed * gender, data=dat)
## Warning: ANOVA F-tests on an essentially perfect fit are unreliable
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: y
##               Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## Age            1  28.13   28.13               
## Ed             1  10.13   10.13               
## gender         1   0.50    0.50               
## Age:Ed         1  18.00   18.00               
## Age:gender     1   0.13    0.13               
## Ed:gender      1   0.12    0.12               
## Age:Ed:gender  1   0.00    0.00               
## Residuals      0   0.00

Three-way ANOVA: continued example (3)

The two way interaction Age:Ed is different depending on gender => there is a three-way interaction! Interpretation?

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

Series 3, exercise 1

In exercise 1 we have two factors (A and B) with 3 levels each. You are asked to estimate the effects \(\hat A_i\), \(\hat B_j\) as well as the interaction \(\hat{(AB)_{ij}}\). In this case there is no replica (\(k=1\)).

Remember that \(\hat A_i = y_{i \cdot \cdot}\) and \(\hat{(AB)_{ij}}=y_{ij\cdot}-(\hat \mu + \hat A_i + \hat B_j)\)

Series 3, exercise 2

In exercise two we investigate the influence of various factors (A, B, C and D) on the diameter of a drill.

What is a drill exactly?

Series 3, exercise 2

Series 3, exercise 2 a)

Load and plot the data:

  • Don't forget to tansform the variables into factors with as.factor()

Series 3, exercise 2 b)

Fit all the interactions:

  • To do that, use R formula: Y ~ A*B*C*D

  • How many parameters are there in the model? (each factor has two levels)

  • main effects: 4
  • two-way interactions (A:B, A:C, B:C, etc): 4!/2!/2! = 6
  • three-way interactions (A:B:C, A:B:D, etc): 4!/3!/1! = 4
  • etc.
  • How many data points do you have ? is there a problem?

Series 3, exercise 2 c)

Fit a model with main effects and two-way interactions only:

  • To do that, use R formula: Y ~ (A+B+C+D)^2

Series 3, exercise 2 d)

Check the residuals and improve the model if necessary:

  • plot( aov(...) )

  • If residuals get bigger with bigger fitted value: heteroscedasticity

  • Possible solution: log transform the outcome.

Series 3, exercise 3

Here we want to study the influence of sugar, carbonation, sirup and temperature on the quality of a soda. Every combination of factors is tested twice.

  • What type of design is it?

  • Try to plot interesting interactions.

Series 3

  • Any question?
  • Thank you!