### QQ-plots # let's look at qqnorm plots for samples from a standard normal distribution # to get an idea of the variation that we may expect to see # open postscript environment postscript("qq-normal.ps", horizontal=FALSE) # create 3x3 plotting matrix par(mfrow=c(3,3), pty="s") # pty=s gives square plotting regions for (i in 1:9){ x <- rnorm(100,mean=0,sd=1) # take sample from normal distribution qqnorm(x,xlim=c(-3,3),ylim=c(-3,3)) qqline(x) } # close postscript environment dev.off() ##### ##### ##### # QQ plots of normal variables with different mean and sd postscript("qq-normal-shift-scale.ps", horizontal=FALSE) par(mfrow=c(2,2), pty="s") # first plot x <- rnorm(100,mean=0,sd=1) qqnorm(x,xlim=c(-6,6),ylim=c(-6,6)) qqline(x) abline(v=0) abline(h=0) # second plot qqnorm(x+2,xlim=c(-6,6),ylim=c(-6,6)) qqline(x+2) abline(v=0) abline(h=0) # third plot qqnorm(2*x,xlim=c(-6,6),ylim=c(-6,6)) qqline(2*x) abline(v=0) abline(h=0) # fourth plot qqnorm(2*x+2,xlim=c(-6,6),ylim=c(-6,6)) qqline(2*x+2) abline(v=0) abline(h=0) dev.off() ##### ##### ##### # QQ plots of lighter tailed, heavier tailed and skewed distributions postscript("qq-quiz.ps",horizontal=FALSE) par(mfrow=c(2,2), pty="s") # first plot x <- runif(100,min=-0.5,max=0.5) # take sample from uniform distribution qqnorm(x) qqline(x) abline(v=0) abline(h=0) # second plot x <- rgamma(100,shape=1,scale=1) # take sample from gamma distribution x <- x-1 qqnorm(x) qqline(x) abline(v=0) abline(h=0) # third plot qqnorm(-x) qqline(-x) abline(v=0) abline(h=0) # fourth plot x <- rt(100, df=3) # take sample from t-distribution qqnorm(x) qqline(x) abline(v=0) abline(h=0) dev.off()