#### ----- Speed of the three different types of x11() / X11() ----- ### These speeds depend on several factors: ### 1) R running on same machine that graphic is displayed ### 2) Does the local machine have a graphics card (with ... features) ### Run this via ### source("ftp://stat.ethz.ch/U/maechler/R/x11-type-speed.R", echo=TRUE) ### ------ =========== stopifnot(getRversion() >= "2.7.0") R.version sessionInfo() if(FALSE) { # not really much more informative here str(.Platform) sessionInfo() } contourTst <- function(type) { x11(type=type) print(system.time(example(contour, echo=FALSE, ask=FALSE))) invisible(dev.off()) } contourTst("Xlib") contourTst("nbcairo") contourTst("cairo")