f.tau.huber <- function(dat, loc, tc=1.345){ ## Purpose: Korrekturfaktor Tau f�r die Varianz des Huber-M-Sch�tzern ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: dat = Daten ## loc = Lokations-Punkt ## tc = Parameter der Huber Psi-Funktion ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Rene Locher ## Update: R. Frisullo 23.4.02 (Kommentar eingef�hrt) resid <- (dat - loc)/mad(dat) psi <- ifelse(abs(resid) <= tc, resid, sign(resid)*tc) psiP <- ifelse(abs(resid) <= tc, 1, 0) return(length(dat) * sum(psi^2) / sum(psiP)^2) } p.Serie2Aufg2c <- function (x, cex = 1){ ## Purpose: Plot a profile.nls Object ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: x = profile.nls Object ## ## Description: Modification of the R-function p.profileTraces: ## Displays a series of plots of the profile t ## function and the likelihood profile traces for the ## parameters - without the first - ## in a nonlinear regression model that has ## been fitted with `nls' and profiled with ## `profile.nls' ## ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author of p.profileTraces: Andreas Ruckstuhl ## modified by Roberto Frisullo ## nx <- names(x) np <- length(x) opar <- par(oma = c(2, 2, 1.5, 0), mfrow = c(np-1, np-1), mar = c(2, 4, 0, 0) + 0.2) on.exit(par(opar)) for (i in 2:np) { for (j in 2:i) { if (i == j) { if (!is.null(this.comp <- x[[i]])) { xx <- this.comp$par[, nx[i]] tau <- this.comp[[1]] plot(spline(xx, tau), xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "l", las = 1, mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0), cex = 0.5 * cex) points(xx[tau == 0], 0, pch = 3) pusr <- par("usr") if (is.R()) { mtext(side = 1, line = 0.8, at = -1/(2 * (np-1)) + (i-1)/(np-1), text = nx[j], outer = TRUE, cex = cex) mtext(side = 2, line = 0.8, at = 1 + 1/(2 * (np-1)) - (i-1)/(np-1), text = nx[i], outer = TRUE, cex = cex) } else { mtext(side = 1, line = 0.8, at = mean(pusr[1:2]), text = nx[j], outer = TRUE, cex = cex) mtext(side = 2, line = 0.8, at = mean(pusr[3:4]), text = nx[i], outer = TRUE, cex = cex) } } } else { if ((!is.null(x.comp <- x[[j]])) & (!is.null(y.comp <- x[[i]]))) { xx <- x.comp$par[, nx[j]] xy <- x.comp$par[, nx[i]] yx <- y.comp$par[, nx[j]] yy <- y.comp$par[, nx[i]] plot(xx, xy, xlab = "", ylab = "", las = 1, mgp = c(3, 0.8, 0), type = "n", xlim = range(c(xx, yx)), ylim = range(c(xy, yy)), cex = 0.5 * cex) lines(xx, xy, col = 2) lines(yx, yy, col = 3) } } } if (i < np) for (k in 1:(np - i + if (is.R()) 0 else 1)) frame() } mtext(side = 3, line = 0.2, text = "t-Profil-Plot und Profilspuren", outer = TRUE, cex = 1.2 * cex) } f.calib <- function(cal.x, cal.pred, cal.limit, cal.y){ ## Purpose: Bestimmung des Kalibrationsintervalls ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: cal.x: x-Werte der Kalibrationskurve ## cal.pred predict-Objekt fuer Kalibrationskurve ## cal.limit Halbe Breite des Vorhersageintervalls ## cal.y: beobachteter y-Wert, zu dem der x-Wert gesucht wird ## ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Andreas Ruckstuhl, Roberto Frisullo I1 <- uniroot(function(x) cal.y - approx(cal.x,cal.pred-cal.limit,xout=x)$y, range(cal.x))$root Ic <- uniroot(function(x) cal.y - approx(cal.x,cal.pred,xout=x)$y, range(cal.x))$root I2 <- uniroot(function(x) cal.y - approx(cal.x,cal.pred+cal.limit,xout=x)$y, range(cal.x))$root return(data.frame(lower=min(I1,I2), center=Ic, upper=max(I1,I2))) } p.ldv <- function(ldafit, data=D[,2:3], group=D$Klasse){ ## Rks, Juni 02 ldaPred <- predict(ldafit, data, dimen=2) ldaDV <- ldaPred$x ldaClass <- ldaPred$class eqscplot(ldaDV[,1], ldaDV[,2], type="n", xlab="first discriminant variable", ylab="second discriminant variable", main="", las=1) group <- as.factor(group) h.gl <- levels(group) NoL <- length(h.gl) h.col <- (2:(NoL+1)); names(h.col) <- h.gl for(i in 1:NoL){ ok <- group==h.gl[i] text(ldaDV[ok,1], ldaDV[ok,2], labels=rep(h.gl[i], sum(ok)), cex=0.6, col=h.col[ldaClass[ok]]) } ## Add centre of groups x <- apply(diag(ldafit$prior) %*% ldafit$means, 2, sum) z <- scale(ldafit$means, x, F) ## remove overall means points(z %*% ldafit$scaling , col=2:5, pch=20) points(z %*% ldafit$scaling, pch=1) } p.predplot <- function(ldafit, data=D[,2:4], group=D$Klasse, len=100){ ## Rks, Juni 02 ## From V&R, 2nd ed g <- as.factor(group) lev <- levels(g) plot(data[,1], data[,2], type="n", las=1) text(data[,1], data[,2], labels=as.character(g), col=unclass(g)+1, cex=0.6) h <- range(data[,1]); xp <- seq(h[1], h[2], length=len) h <- range(data[,2]); yp <- seq(h[1], h[2], length=len) xyp <- expand.grid(x1=xp, x2=yp) Z <- predict(ldafit, newdata=xyp) zp <- Z$post[,2] - pmax(Z$post[,1],Z$post[,3],Z$post[,4]) contour(xp, yp, matrix(zp, len), add=T, levels=0, drawlabels=F) zp <- Z$post[,3] - pmax(Z$post[,1],Z$post[,2],Z$post[,4]) contour(xp, yp, matrix(zp, len), add=T, levels=0, drawlabels=F) zp <- Z$post[,4] - pmax(Z$post[,1],Z$post[,2],Z$post[,3]) contour(xp, yp, matrix(zp, len), add=T, levels=0, drawlabels=F) invisible() } rlda <- function(x, grouping, prior=proportions, tol=1e-04, nu=5, ...){ ## Rks, Juni 02 ## modified version of lda.default: Estimation with cov.mcd and ## robust estimation of location if (is.null(dim(x))) stop("x is not a matrix") x <- as.matrix(x) n <- nrow(x) p <- ncol(x) if (n != length(grouping)) stop("nrow(x) and length(grouping) are different") g <- as.factor(grouping) lev <- lev1 <- levels(g) counts <- as.vector(table(g)) if (any(counts == 0)) { warning(paste("group(s)", paste(lev[counts == 0], collapse = " "), "are empty")) lev1 <- lev[counts > 0] g <- factor(g, levels = lev1) counts <- as.vector(table(g)) } proportions <- counts/n ng <- length(proportions) if (any(prior < 0) || round(sum(prior), 5) != 1) stop("invalid prior") if (length(prior) != ng) stop("prior is of incorrect length") names(prior) <- names(counts) <- lev1 ## robust estiamtion of group location group.means <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(x), nrow=length(lev1), dimnames=list(lev1,names(x))) for(i in lev1) group.means[i,] <- cov.rob(x[g==i,], method="mcd")$center f1 <- sqrt(diag(var(x - group.means[g, ]))) if (any(f1 < tol)) stop(paste("variable(s)", paste(format((1:p)[f1 < tol]), collapse = " "), "appear to be constant within groups")) scaling <- diag(1/f1, , p) cov <- n/(n - ng) * cov.rob((x - group.means[g, ]) %*% scaling, method="mcd")$cov sX <- svd(cov, nu = 0) rank <- sum(sX$d > tol^2) if (rank < p) warning("variables are collinear") scaling <- scaling %*% sX$v[, 1:rank] %*% diag(sqrt(1/sX$d[1:rank]), , rank) ## xbar <- apply(prior %*% group.means, 2, sum) fac <- 1/(ng - 1) X <- sqrt((n * prior) * fac) * scale(group.means, center = xbar, scale = FALSE) %*% scaling X.s <- svd(X, nu = 0) rank <- sum(X.s$d > tol * X.s$d[1]) scaling <- scaling %*% X.s$v[, 1:rank] if (is.null(dimnames(x))) dimnames(scaling) <- list(NULL, paste("LD", 1:rank, sep = "")) else { dimnames(scaling) <- list(colnames(x), paste("LD", 1:rank, sep = "")) dimnames(group.means)[[2]] <- colnames(x) } structure(list(prior = prior, counts = counts, means = group.means, scaling = scaling, lev = lev, svd = X.s$d[1:rank], N = n, call = match.call()), class = "lda") }