g.emphaz<-function(data = NULL,type="hhat",legend = NULL, main = NULL) { ## Purpose: 1. draw empirical hazards ## 2. prints out actual hazard values in the order hitilde, hihat ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Arguments: ## data a Surv object or a list of Surv objects ## type what should be drawn? "ht" for hitilde or "hhat" for hihat ## main main title ## legend ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 2 Aug 2004, 17:21 / WSt Aug 04 ## Second Author: Mara Tableman, Date: 30 October 2004 f.emphaz<-function(w) { ## creates a list of data.frames with "time","ht" for hitilde,"hhat" for hihat ## for two different treatment groups. f.f <- function(s) { sf <- summary(survfit(Surv(s[, 1], s[, 2]), type = "kaplan-meier")) time <- sf$time hitilde <- round(sf$n.event/sf$n.risk,digits=3) hihat <- round(hitilde/c(diff(time), NA),digits=3) hihat[length(time)] <- hihat[(length(time) - 1)] data.frame(time = sf$time, ht = hitilde, hhat = hihat) } if(length(dim(data)) == 2) f.f(w) else lapply(w, f.f) } if(!is.null(data)) emphaz <- f.emphaz(data) print(emphaz) if(is.data.frame(emphaz)) emphaz <- list(emphaz) xrg <- range(sapply(emphaz, function(x)range(x[, "time"]))) yrg <- range(sapply(emphaz, function(x)range(x[, "ht"]))) if (type =="hhat"){ yrg <- range(sapply(emphaz, function(x)range(x[, "hhat" ])))} plot(xrg, yrg, type = "n", xlab = "observed failure times", ylab = "hazard at time i") nds <- length(emphaz) for(li in 1:nds) { ldat <- emphaz[[li]] lines(ldat[, "time"], ldat[, type],type="s", lty = li) points(ldat[, "time"], ldat[, type], pch = 16, cex = 0.5) } if(!is.null(legend)) { usr <- par("usr") legend(0.9 * usr[1] + 0.1 * usr[2], 0.05 * usr[3] + 0.95 * usr[4], rep(legend, length = nds), lty = 1:2) } title(main) box() } ##============================================================= hazard.km <- function(data){ ## Author: Mara Tableman Date: 20 November 2002 ## Purpose: To compute the two types of empirical hazards, ## and the cumulative hazards along their s.e.'s ## Arguments: data is survfit object time <- summary(data)$time ni <- summary(data)$n.risk di <- summary(data)$n.event surv <- summary(data)$surv stderr <- summary(data)$std.err hitilde <- di/ni tau <- diff(time, lag = 1) #length of interval to right of ti tau[length(tau) + 1] <- NA hihat <- hitilde/tau Hhat <- -log(surv) Htilde <- cumsum(hitilde) sqri <- di/(ni^2) se.Hhat <- stderr/surv se.Htilde <- sqrt(cumsum(sqri)) hazardtable <- round(data.frame(time, ni, di, hihat, hitilde, Hhat,se.Hhat, Htilde, se.Htilde),4) print(hazardtable) on.exit() "hazard.km:done" } ##============================================================= plot.logt.x<-function(time,status,x,xlab="x",ylab="ordered log data") { ##Purpose: To produce a plot of log(t) against each predictor variable x. ## A least squares line is drawn through the point cloud. ## Note that only the uncensored times and their corresponding ## values are plotted. ##----------------------------------------------------------------- ##Arguments: time is the survival time varibale ## status is the variable use for censored or not ## x is one of the j=1,...,m predicotr variables ##----------------------------------------------------------------- ##Author: Mara Tableman, Date: 3.July 2004 time.u<-time[status==1] x.u<-x[status==1] plot(x.u,log(time.u),type="p",xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab) regr<-lsfit(x.u,log(time.u)) abline(regr$coef) } ##=================================================================== qq.gamma <- function(data, time, status, xlab = "gamma quantiles \n based on MLE's", ylab = "ordered data", pch = NULL,lty = NULL, col = NULL) { ## Purpose: qqplot for gamma distribution for one sample ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## data A Surv object, or a list of Surv object ## time, and status, are each a list or vector ## ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Mara Tableman, Date: 2 Janury 2003, 01:05 on.exit(browser()) t.c <- class(data) if((!is.null(t.c)) && t.c == "Surv") data <- list(data) t.k <- length(data) #t.mt <- class(time) #if((!is.null(t.mt)) & (class(t.mt)!="list")) # time <- list(time) #t.ms <- class(status) #if((!is.null(t.ms)) & (class(t.ms)!="list")) #status <- list(status) if(is.null(pch)) pch <- 1:t.k if(is.null(lty)) lty <- 1:t.k if(is.null(col)) col <- 1 + 1:t.k t.sf <- lapply(data, function(s) { t.s <- summary(survfit(s, type = "kaplan-meier")) t.ss <- t.s$surv t.s$surv <- (t.ss + c(1, t.ss[ - length(t.ss)]))/2 t.s } ) t.rgs <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$surv))) t.rgt <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$time))) for(t.g in 1:t.k) { sr <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = 2) status1 <- status[[t.g]] time1 <- time[[t.g]] minusloglik.gamma <- function(sr, time1, status1) { - log(prod(dgamma(time1, sr[1], sr[2])^(status1) * (1 - pgamma(time1, sr[1], sr[2]))^(1 - status1))) } mlegamma <- nlminb(start = c(0.05, 0.05), obj = minusloglik.gamma, lower = c(0.001, 0.0001), upper = c(Inf, Inf), time1 = time1, status1 = status1) mles <- mlegamma$par names(mles) <- c("shape", "rate") print(mles) par(new = T) xmax <- max(qgamma(1 - t.rgs, mles[1], mles[2])) ymax <- max(t.rgt) plot(qgamma(1 - t.rgs, mles[1], mles[2]), t.rgt, type = "n", xlab = " ", ylab = " ", xlim = c(0, xmax), ylim = c(0,ymax), axes = F) points(qgamma(1 - t.sf[[t.g]]$surv, mles[1], mles[2]), t.sf[[t.g]]$time, pch = pch[t.g], col = 1, lwd = 2) reg <- lsfit(qgamma(1 - t.sf[[t.g]]$surv, mles[1], mles[2]), t.sf[[t.g]]$time) abline(reg, lty = lty[t.g], col = 1, lwd = 2) } abline(h = 0, v = 0) abline(a=0,b=1,lwd=3) mtext(side = 1, "gamma quantiles \n based on MLE's", line=1.3,cex = 1.7) mtext(side = 2, "ordered data", cex = 1.8, line = -0.3) on.exit() "qq.gamma:done" } ##========================================================== qq.loglogisreg<-function(data, loglogis.fit, xlab = "standard logistic quantiles", ylab = "ordered log data", pch =NULL,lty= NULL, col = NULL) { ## Purpose: qqplot for loglogistic distribution ## Fit with one covariate, several distinct levels. Same slope, ## but different intercepts. ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## data A Surv object, or a list of such objects ## ## loglogis.fit is a survreg object with dist="loglogistic" ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Mara Tableman, Date: 2 December, 2002 on.exit(browser()) t.c <- class(data) if((!is.null(t.c)) && t.c == "Surv") data <- list(data) t.k <- length(data) if(is.null(pch)) pch <- 1:t.k if(is.null(lty)) lty <- 1:t.k if(is.null(col)) col <- 1 + 1:t.k t.sf <- lapply(data, function(s) { t.s <- summary(survfit(s, type = "kaplan-meier")) t.ss <- t.s$surv t.s$surv <- (t.ss + c(1, t.ss[ - length(t.ss)]))/2 t.s } ) t.rgs <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$surv))) t.rgt <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$time))) plot(qlogis(1 - t.rgs), log(t.rgt), type = "n", ylim = c(min(log(t.rgt)), max(log(t.rgt))), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab) for(t.g in 1:t.k) { points(qlogis(1 - t.sf[[t.g]]$surv), log(t.sf[[t.g]]$time), pch = pch[t.g], col = 1) mutilde <- as.numeric(levels(factor(loglogis.fit$linear.predictors))) scale <- rep(loglogis.fit$scale, length(mutilde)) abline(mutilde[t.g], scale[t.g], lty = lty[t.g], col = 1) } on.exit() "qq.loglogisreg:done" } ##=========================================================== qq.loglogistic <- function(data, xlab = "standard logistic quantiles", ylab = "ordered log data", pch = NULL, lty = NULL, col = NULL) { ## Purpose: qqplot for loglogistic distribution for one or several samples ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## data A Surv object, or a list of such objects ## ##-------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Mara Tableman, Date: 24 December 2002, 18:45 on.exit(browser()) t.c <- class(data) if((!is.null(t.c)) && t.c == "Surv") data <- list(data) t.k <- length(data) if(is.null(pch)) pch <- 1:t.k if(is.null(lty)) lty <- 1:t.k if(is.null(col)) col <- 1 + 1:t.k t.sf <- lapply(data, function(s) { t.s <- summary(survfit(s~1, type = "kaplan-meier")) t.ss <- t.s$surv t.s$surv <- (t.ss + c(1, t.ss[ - length(t.ss)]))/2 t.s } ) t.rgs <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$surv))) t.rgt <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$time))) plot(qlogis(1 - t.rgs, 0, 1), log(t.rgt), type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab) for(t.g in 1:t.k) { points(qlogis(1 - t.sf[[t.g]]$surv, 0, 1), log(t.sf[[t.g]]$time), pch = pch[t.g], col = 1) t.r <- survreg(data[[t.g]] ~ 1, dist = "loglogistic") abline(t.r$coef, t.r$scale, lty = lty[t.g], col = 1) } on.exit() "qq.loglogistic:done" } ##========================================================== qq.lognormreg<-function(data, lognorm.fit, xlab = "standard normal quantiles", ylab = "ordered log data", pch = NULL, lty = NULL, col = NULL) { ## Purpose: qqplot for lognormal regression with one covariate which has a finite number ## of distinct values which can be coverted into levels. It draws lines with same ## slope sigma, but different intercepts, whose values are the MLE's ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## data A Surv object, or a list of such objects ## ## lognorm.fit is a survreg object with dist="lognormal" ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Mara Tableman, Date: 2 December, 2002 on.exit(browser()) t.c <- class(data) if((!is.null(t.c)) && t.c == "Surv") data <- list(data) t.k <- length(data) if(is.null(pch)) pch <- 1:t.k if(is.null(lty)) lty <- 1:t.k if(is.null(col)) col <- 1 + 1:t.k t.sf <- lapply(data, function(s) { t.s <- summary(survfit(s, type = "kaplan-meier")) t.ss <- t.s$surv t.s$surv <- (t.ss + c(1, t.ss[ - length(t.ss)]))/2 t.s } ) t.rgs <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$surv))) t.rgt <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$time))) plot(qnorm(1 - t.rgs), log(t.rgt), type = "n", ylim = c(min(log(t.rgt)), max(log(t.rgt))), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab) for(t.g in 1:t.k) { points(qnorm(1 - t.sf[[t.g]]$surv), log(t.sf[[t.g]]$time), pch = pch[t.g], col = 1) mutilde <- as.numeric(levels(factor(lognorm.fit$linear.predictors))) scale <- rep(lognorm.fit$scale, length(mutilde)) abline(mutilde[t.g], scale[t.g], lty = lty[t.g], col = 1) } on.exit() "qq.lognormreg:done" } qq.reg.resid.r<-function(data,time,status,fit,quantile,xlab){ ##================================= ## Purpose: For parametric regression models, this constructs a ## qq-plot of ordered residuals e_i=(y_i-yhat_i)/sigmahat against ## the log-parametric standard quantiles z_i of either the ## "weibull", "lognormal", or "loglogistic" distribution. ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## NOTE: This can also be used for fitting a single sample of survival ## times to a parametric model. Since there are no covariates ## remember to type survReg(Surv(...,...)~1,dist="...",data=...) ## in order to estimate the intercept mu. ##--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: data = data.frame ## time = survival time variable name in data.frame ## status = name of status variable in data.frame ## fit = a survreg object ## quantile = "qweibull" or "qnorm" or "qlogis" ## xlab = "type your label" E.g., "standard extreme value quantiles" ##------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Author: Mara Tableman, Date: 2 February, 2005: repaired on 24 August 2012 ##============================================================================== temp<-data temp$time<-time temp$status<-status temp$ei<-(log(temp$time)-predict(fit,type="lp"))/fit$scale temp<-temp[order(temp$ei), ] con<-abs(min(temp$ei))+.00001 temp$ei<-temp$ei+con km.fit<-survfit(Surv(ei,status)~1,data=temp) temp$km.surv<-summary(km.fit,censor=T)$surv if (quantile == "qweibull") { zi<-as.numeric(qweibull(1-temp$km.surv,1,1)) k<-nrow(temp) for (i in 1:k){ if (zi[i]!=-Inf && zi[i]!=Inf ) zi[i]<-log(zi[i]) } temp$zi<-zi for(i in 1:k){ if (temp$zi[i]==-Inf) { surv.max.1<-max(temp$km.surv[temp$status==1]) d<-1-surv.max.1 surv.pu<-1-d/2 temp$zi[i]<-log(qweibull(1-surv.pu,1,1))} } for (i in 1:k){ if (temp$zi[i]==Inf) { d<-min(temp$km.surv[temp$km.surv > 0]) surv.pl<-d/2 temp$zi[i]<-log(qweibull(1-surv.pl,1,1))} } } if (quantile == "qlogis") { zi<-as.numeric(qlogis(1-temp$km.surv,0,1)) k<-nrow(temp) for (i in 1:k){ if (zi[i]!=-Inf && zi[i]!=Inf ) zi[i]<-zi[i] } temp$zi<-zi for(i in 1:k){ if (temp$zi[i]==-Inf) { surv.max.1<-max(temp$km.surv[temp$status==1]) d<-1-surv.max.1 surv.pu<-1-d/2 temp$zi[i]<-qlogis(1-surv.pu,0,1)} } for (i in 1:k){ if (temp$zi[i]==Inf) { d<-min(temp$km.surv[temp$km.surv > 0]) surv.pl<-d/2 temp$zi[i]<-qlogis(1-surv.pl,0,1)} } } if (quantile == "qnorm"){ zi<-as.numeric(qnorm(1-temp$km.surv,0,1)) k<-nrow(temp) for (i in 1:k){ if (zi[i]!=-Inf && zi[i]!=Inf ) zi[i]<-zi[i] } temp$zi<-zi for(i in 1:k){ if (temp$zi[i]==-Inf) { surv.max.1<-max(temp$km.surv[temp$status==1]) d<-1-surv.max.1 surv.pu<-1-d/2 temp$zi[i]<-qnorm(1-surv.pu,0,1)} } for (i in 1:k){ if (temp$zi[i]==Inf) { d<-min(temp$km.surv[temp$km.surv > 0]) surv.pl<-d/2 temp$zi[i]<-qnorm(1-surv.pl,0,1)} } } temp$ei<-temp$ei-con ##print(temp) plot(temp$zi,temp$ei,xlab=xlab,ylab="ordered ei residuals",type="n",xlim=c(min(temp$zi),max(temp$zi)),ylim=c(min(temp$ei),max(temp$ei)+.15)) points(temp$zi[temp$status==0],temp$ei[temp$status==0],pch=".",cex=3) points(temp$zi[temp$status==1],temp$ei[temp$status==1],pch="o",cex=1) lines(temp$zi[temp$status==1],temp$ei[temp$status==1],lty=1,lwd=1) k<-nrow(temp) for(i in 1:k) { if (temp$status[i]==0) arrows(temp$zi[i],temp$ei[i],temp$zi[i],temp$ei[i]+.15,code=2,length=.12,lwd=2.01)} abline(a=0,b=1,lty=4,lwd=2) usr<-par("usr") arrows(.9*usr[1]+.1*usr[2],.07*usr[3]+.93*usr[4],.9*usr[1]+.1*usr[2],.07*usr[3]+.93*usr[4]+.15,code=2,length=.12,lwd=2.01) text(.8*usr[1]+.2*usr[2],.05*usr[3]+.95*usr[4],"= censored") points(.9*usr[1]+.1*usr[2],.11*usr[3]+.89*usr[4],pch="o") text(.79*usr[1]+.21*usr[2],.1*usr[3]+.90*usr[4], "= uncensored") ##=============================================== ##Eample 1: ##fit.weib<-survreg(Surv(time,status)~x,dist="weibull",data=motorette) ##qq.reg.resid.r(motorette,motorette$time,motorette$status,fit.weib,"qweibull","standard extreme value quantiles") ##Example 2: ##fit.weib<-survreg(Surv(weeks,status)~1,dist="weibull",data=aml1) ##qq.reg.resid.r(aml1,aml1$weeks,aml1$status,fit.weib,"qweibull","standard extreme value quantiles") ##================================================== on.exit() "qq.reg.resid:done" } # Weibull qq plot for right censored data qq.weibreg <- function(data,weib.fit,xlab = "standard extreme value quantiles", ylab = "ordered log data", pch = NULL, lty = NULL, col= NULL) { ## Purpose: qqplot for Weibull regression with one covariate which has a finite number ## of distinct values which can be coverted into levels. It draws lines with same ## slope sigma, but different intercepts, whose values are the MLE's ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## data A Surv object, or a list of such objects ## ## weib.fit is a survreg object with dist="weibull" ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Mara Tableman Date: 18 December 2002, 20:30 on.exit(browser()) t.c <- class(data) if((!is.null(t.c)) && t.c == "Surv") data <- list(data) t.k <- length(data) if(is.null(pch)) pch <- 1:t.k if(is.null(lty)) lty <- 1:t.k if(is.null(col)) col <- 1 + 1:t.k t.sf <- lapply(data, function(s) { t.s <- summary(survfit(s~1, type = "kaplan-meier")) t.ss <- t.s$surv t.s$surv <- (t.ss + c(1, t.ss[ - length(t.ss)]))/2 t.s } ) t.rgs <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$surv))) t.rgt <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$time))) plot(log(qweibull(1 - t.rgs, 1)), log(t.rgt), type = "n",ylim=c(min(log(t.rgt)), max(log(t.rgt))), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab) for(t.g in 1:t.k) { points(log(qweibull(1 - t.sf[[t.g]]$surv, 1)), log(t.sf[[t.g]]$time), pch=pch[t.g], col=1) mutilde<-as.numeric(levels(factor(weib.fit$linear.predictors))) scale<-rep(weib.fit$scale,length(mutilde)) abline(mutilde[t.g],scale[t.g],lty=lty[t.g],col=1) } on.exit() "qq.weibreg:done" } #xln_levels(factor(motorette$x)) #ts.1_Surv(motorette$time[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[1]],motorette$status[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[1]]) #ts.2_Surv(motorette$time[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[2]],motorette$status[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[2]]) #ts.3_Surv(motorette$time[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[3]],motorette$status[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[3]]) #weib.fit_survreg(Surv(time,status)~x, data=motorette,dist="weib") #qq.weibreg(list(ts.1,ts.2,ts.3),weib.fit) ##========================================================== qq.weibull<- function(data,scale=0, xlab = "standard extreme value quantiles", ylab = "ordered log data", pch = NULL, lty = NULL, col = NULL) { ## Purpose: qqplot for Weibull distribution for one or several samples ## It fits each sample with own intercept and slope (location and scale). ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Arguments: ## data A Surv object, or a list of such objects ## options: scale=0 is the default. This estimates the scale. ## scale=1 fits the exponential model. ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Author: Werner Stahel, Date: 15 Aug 2002, 18:41 on.exit(browser()) t.c <- class(data) if((!is.null(t.c)) && t.c == "Surv") data <- list(data) t.k <- length(data) if(is.null(pch)) pch <- 1:t.k if(is.null(lty)) lty <- 1:t.k if(is.null(col)) col <- 1 + 1:t.k t.sf <- lapply(data, function(s) { t.s <- summary(survfit(s~1, type = "kaplan-meier")) t.ss <- t.s$surv t.s$surv <- (t.ss + c(1, t.ss[ - length(t.ss)]))/2 t.s } ) t.rgs <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$surv))) t.rgt <- range(sapply(t.sf, function(s) range(s$time))) plot(log(qweibull(1 - t.rgs, 1)), log(t.rgt), type = "n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab) for(t.g in 1:t.k) { points(log(qweibull(1 - t.sf[[t.g]]$surv, 1)), log(t.sf[[t.g]]$time), pch = pch[t.g], col = 1) t.r <- survreg(data[[t.g]] ~ 1, dist = "weibull",scale=scale) abline(t.r$coef, t.r$scale, lty = lty[t.g], col = 1) } on.exit() "qq.weibull:done" } #xln_levels(factor(motorette$x)) #ts.1_Surv(motorette$time[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[1]],motorette$status[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[1]]) #ts.2_Surv(motorette$time[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[2]],motorette$status[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[2]]) #ts.3_Surv(motorette$time[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[3]],motorette$status[as.factor(motorette$x)==xln[3]]) #qq.weibull(list(ts.1,ts.2,ts.3)) ##====================================================== quantile.km <- function(data, p, eps, z) { ## data is survfit object, p is between 0 and 1 ## eps is epsilon 0f 0.05 or bigger, ## z iz z-score for confidence coefficient time <- summary(data)$time ni <- summary(data)$n.risk di <- summary(data)$n.event surv <- summary(data)$surv stderr <- summary(data)$std.err qp <- min(time[surv <= 1 - p]) ## The point estimate of pth-quantile se.S.qp <- stderr[surv == max(surv[surv <= 1 - p])] ## S.qp is the standard error of the estimated survival ## probability at qp. u.p <- max(time[surv >= 1 - p + eps]) # the largest time at which surv >= 1-p+eps l.p <- min(time[surv <= 1 - p - eps]) # the smallest time at which surv <=1-p-eps S.u.p <- surv[time == u.p] # survival probability at u.p S.l.p <- surv[time == l.p] # survival probability at l.p f.qp <- (S.u.p - S.l.p)/(l.p - u.p) ## estimated probability density at pth-quantile se.qp <- se.S.qp/f.qp ## estimated standard error of the sample pth-quantile LCL <- qp - z * se.qp UCL <- qp + z * se.qp out <- round(data.frame(qp, se.S.qp, f.qp, se.qp, LCL, UCL), 4) print("summary") print(out, invisible(1)) ##print("An approximate 1-alpha confidence interval for the true pth-quantile") on.exit() "quantile.km:done" } ##============================================== ## Produces the log of the Weibull likelihood function evaluated ## at a parameter value specified under the null hypothesis ## Arguements: time, status, shape=alpha (=1 for exponential), ## theta=1/lambda, where lambda is the scale for Weibull. ## Author: Mara Tableman 23 December 2002 23:50. weib.loglik.theta <- function(time,status,shape,theta) {out<-log(prod(dweibull(time, shape, theta)^(status)*(1-pweibull(time, shape, theta))^(1 - status))) return(out) on.exit() "weib.loglik.theta:done"} ##====================================================== emphazplot<-function(data,text=" "){ ##============================= ## Purpose: To plot the empirical hazards, hitilde and hihat, ## over time of one or two samples. This also ## prints out table of times, hitilde's, and hihat's for ## each group. ## Argument: The data argument is a list of Surv objects ## The text argument; e.g., text="solid line is maintained group", ## is meant to identify one of the two lines if there are two groups. ## The solid line identifies the second group in the list. ## The default is no text. ## Author: Mara Tableman January 29, 2003 20:00 ##============================= my<-lapply(data,function(s){ ni<-summary(survfit(s,type="kaplan-meier"))$n.risk di<-summary(survfit(s,type="kaplan-meier"))$n.event time<-summary(survfit(s,type="kaplan-meier"))$time surv<-summary(survfit(s,type="kaplan-meier"))$surv hitilde<-di/ni tau<-diff(time,lag=1) #Length of interval to right of ti tau[length(tau)+1]<-NA hihat<-hitilde/tau hihat[length(time)]<-hihat[(length(time)-1)] survtable<-data.frame(time,hitilde,hihat) print(round(survtable,3)) hitilde<-round(hitilde,3) hihat<-round(hihat,3) my.try<-list(data.frame(time,hitilde,hihat)) } ) t.k<-length(data) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) lty<-c(5,1) t.rg<-range(sapply(my, function(s) range(s[[1]]$time))) h.rg<-range(sapply(my, function(s) range(s[[1]]$hitilde))) plot(t.rg,h.rg,type="n",xlab="observed failure times ",ylab=" ") for(t.g in 1:t.k){ lines(my[[t.g]][[1]]$time,my[[t.g]][[1]]$hitilde,type="s",lty=lty[t.g],col=1) points(my[[t.g]][[1]]$time,my[[t.g]][[1]]$hitilde,pch=16,cex=.5,col=1) #axis(1,at=my[[t.g]][[1]]$time,outer=F) #axis(2,at=my[[t.g]]$hitilde,outer=F,lab=paste(my[[t.g]]$hitilde),tck=.02,cex=.5) mtext("hazard at time i",side=2,line=2) mtext("hitilde at ti",side=3,line=1) #mtext(text,side=3,line=-1.3) } h.rg<-range(sapply(my, function(s) range(s[[1]]$hihat))) plot(t.rg,h.rg,type="n",xlab="observed failure times ",ylab=" ") for(t.g in 1:t.k){ lines(my[[t.g]][[1]]$time,my[[t.g]][[1]]$hihat,type="s",lty=lty[t.g],col=1) points(my[[t.g]][[1]]$time,my[[t.g]][[1]]$hihat,pch=16,cex=.5,col=1) #axis(1,at=my[[t.g]][[1]]$time,outer=F,lab=paste(my[[t.g]][[1]]$time)) #axis(2,at=my[[t.g]]$hihat,outer=F,lab=paste(my[[t.g]]$hihat),tck=.02,cex=.5) mtext("hazard over each interval",side=2,line=2) mtext("hihat", side=3,line=1) #mtext(text,side=3,line=-1.3) } on.exit() "emphazplot:done" } # The function ends here. ##====== ## Example ##t.sa<-Surv(aml$weeks[aml$group==0],aml$status[aml$group==0]) ##t.sb<-Surv(aml$weeks[aml$group==1],aml$status[aml$group==1]) # maintained group ##l.sab<-list(t.sa,t.sb) ##data<-l.sab ##emphazplot(data,text="solid line is maintained group") #=============optimal.change.point function optimal.change.point<-function(data,end,status,trt,...){ #========================== #Purpose is to put the dataset in the Andersen-Gill counting process format, #then to obtain the optimal change point (time); that is, the distinct time point #which maximizes the profile likelihood. #This is the change point value to used to fit a piecewise Cox PH model over two intervals . #Arguments # data = data frame # end = time of event variable # status = censor variable: 1 if dead, 0 if alive # trt = the treatment or exposure variable consisiting of two groups. Best to code 1 and 0. #========================= # Author: Mara Tableman, August 5, 2010 #========================== cpt <- survfit(Surv(end,status) ~ 1, conf.type = "n", data = data)$time data <- cbind(data, end, status, trt) profile <- rep(1, length(cpt)) for (i in 1:length(cpt)){ AG <- survSplit(Surv(end, status) ~ . , data = data, cut = cpt[i], start = "start") AG$ET1 <- AG$trt AG$ET1[AG$start!=0] <- 0 AG$ET2 <- AG$trt AG$ET2[AG$start==0] <- 0 profile[i] <- coxph(Surv(start, end, status) ~ ET1 + ET2, data = AG)$loglik[2] } out <- structure(data.frame(cpt, profile), names = c("changepoint","loglik")) optimal.changepoint <- out[out$loglik == max(out$loglik), ] print(optimal.changepoint) plot(out, type = "l", lty = 1, xlab = "change point (distinct survival times)", ylab = "log-likelihood", ...) title(main = "Profile of the log-partial likelihood \n for a piecewise Cox PH model") } #=============extcox.Et function extcox.1Et<-function(data,end,status,trt,cut){ #========================== #purpose is to put the dataset in the Andersen-Gill counting process format #so that a piecewise Cox PH model over two intervals can be fit. #Arguments # data = data frame # end = time of event variable # status = censor variable: 1 if dead, 0 if alive # trt = the treatment or exposure variable consisitng of two groups. Best to code 1 and 0. # cut = the change point t0 #========================= # Author: Mara Tableman, August 5, 2010 #========================== data<-cbind(data,end,status,trt) AG<-survSplit(Surv(end, status) ~ . , data, cut=cut, start="start") AG$ET1<-AG$trt AG$ET1[AG$start!=0] <-0 AG$ET2<-AG$trt AG$ET2[AG$start==0] <-0 return(AG) } #=============