### Code skeleton for Series 3, task 1 ## Read in dataset diabetes <- read.table("http://stat.ethz.ch/Teaching/Datasets/WBL/diabetes2.dat", header = TRUE) reg <- diabetes[, c("Age", "C.Peptide")] names(reg) <- c("x", "y") ## Sort values reg <- reg[sort.list(reg$x), ] ################################################### ### TASK a) ################################################### ### Utility function for LOO cross-validation: ##' Calculates the LOO CV score for given data and regression prediction function ##' ##' @param reg.data: regression data; data.frame with columns 'x', 'y' ##' @param reg.fcn: regr.prediction function; arguments: ##' reg.x: regression x-values ##' reg.y: regression y-values ##' x: x-value(s) of evaluation point(s) ##' value: prediction at point(s) x ##' @return LOOCV score loocv <- function(reg.data, reg.fcn) { ## Help function to calculate leave-one-out regression values loo.reg.value <- function(i, reg.data, reg.fcn) return(reg.fcn(???, ???, ???)) ## Calculate LOO regression values using the help function above n <- nrow(reg.data) loo.values <- sapply(???, loo.reg.value, reg.data, reg.fcn) ## Calculate and return MSE return(???) } ### Regression prediction function for NW kernel: reg.fcn.nw <- function(reg.x, reg.y, x) ksmooth(???, ???, x.point = ???, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = ???)$y ### Calculation of LOO CV-score for NW kernel estimator: (cv.nw <- loocv(reg, reg.fcn.nw)) ### Hat matrix "S.nw": n <- nrow(reg) Id <- diag(n) S.nw <- matrix(0, n, n) for (j in 1:n) S.nw[, j] <- reg.fcn.nw(???, ???, ???) ### Degrees of freedom (cf. Formula (3.6) in the lecture notes: (df.nw <- sum(diag(S.nw))) ################################################### ### TASKS b) to e) ################################################### ### Proceed similarly as in task a); you can reuse the utility function ### loocv from task a)