TITEL : small_cell_lung_cancer KEYWORDS (statist) : ordinal regression ANWENDUNGSGEBIET : Datasets for exercises VERW.(VORL./J.-S.) : Angewandte Statistische Regression WS 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KURZE BESCHREIBUNG : Small cell carcinoma of the lung has the most aggressive clinical course of any type of pulmonary tumour, and without treatment, the median survival time from diagnosis is less than 6 months. This type of cancer has a greater tendency to be disseminated than other forms but is much more responsive to chemotherapy. In a clinical trial on the treatment of small cell lung cancer two treatment strategies were compared. One group of patients received an alternating therapy, in which the same combination of chemotherapeutic agents were administered in each treatment cycle. The second group received an alternatig therapy, in which three different combinations were given, alternating between cycles (Therapy = 1) . One response variable of interest was the tumour response at the end of the treatment period, categorised as progressive disease, no change, partial remission, and complete remission. Data were obtained from 299 patients, and the sex of the patient was regarded as a prognostic factor (0 male, 1 female). SPEZ. EIG. : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIM.(VAR./FAELLE) : 4 / 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vA / LITERATUR : / Collet, D. 2003. Modelling binary data (2nd Edition); Holtbrügge, W. and Schumacher M. (1991( A comparison of regression models for the analysis of ordered categorical data. Applied Statistics, 40, 249-259. * D=Daten, vA=volle Analyse, tA=teilweise Analyse, K=Kommentar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEMERKUNGEN : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USERS : DATUM/UNTERSCHRIFT : 01.Dec 09 / M. Koller