TITEL : Mackerel data KEYWORDS (statist) : Regression, GAM, Additive Modelle ANWENDUNGSGEBIET : Oekologie, Umwelt VERW.(VORL./J.-S.) : NDK 2000/2001 Ueb.aufgabe : Nichtparam.Regression, Serie 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KURZE BESCHREIBUNG : Die Daten sind aus dem Buch Bowman & Azzalini (1997). Applied Smoothing ... [s.unten] bzw. dem zugehörigen "sm" package. Die Source der R Version ist in /usr/local/app/R/R_local/src/sm/data/ > These data record the abundance of mackerel eggs off the coast of > north-western Europe, from a multi-country survey in 1992. > > The variables are: > Density: egg density > mack.lat: latitude of sampling position > mack.long: longitude of sampling position > mack.depth: bottom depth > Temperature: surface temperature > Salinity: salinity > SPEZ. EIG. : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIM.(VAR./FAELLE) : 6 / 279 Einlesen mit R: read.table("/u/sfs/ueb/datasets/mackerel.dat", header = TRUE) bzw. library(sm) ; provide.data(mackerel) DATENFORMAT IN SAS : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * / LITERATUR : / {BowAA97, author = {Adrian W. Bowman and Adelchi Azzalini}, title = {Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis. The Kernel Approach with S-Plus Illustrations}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = 1997, address = {NY} } > Source: Background to the survey and the data are provided by > Watson et al. (1992), Priede and Watson (1993) and > Priede et al (1995). Borchers et al (1997) describe an analysis > of the data. * D=Daten, vA=volle Analyse, tA=teilweise Analyse, K=Kommentar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEMERKUNGEN : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USERS : Monika Ferster, Martin Maechler DATUM/UNTERSCHRIFT : 9.1.2001/ M.Mächler