tools-defunct {tools}R Documentation

Defunct Objects in Package tools


The functions or variables listed here are no longer part of R as they are not needed (any more).


# Defunct in R 2.10.0, removed in R 3.0.0
Rd_parse(file, text = NULL)

# Defunct in R 3.1.0,  removed in R 4.1.0
readNEWS(file = file.path(R.home(), "NEWS"), trace = FALSE,
         chop = c("first", "1", "par1", "keepAll"))
checkNEWS(file = file.path(R.home(), "NEWS"))

# Defunct in R 4.1.0
package.dependencies(x, check = FALSE,
                     depLevel = c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests"))
getDepList(depMtrx, instPkgs, recursive = TRUE, local = TRUE,
           reduce = TRUE, lib.loc = NULL)
pkgDepends(pkg, recursive = TRUE, local = TRUE, reduce = TRUE,
           lib.loc = NULL)
installFoundDepends(depPkgList, ...)
vignetteDepends(vignette, recursive = TRUE, reduce = TRUE,
                local = TRUE, lib.loc = NULL)

See Also

tools-deprecated, Deprecated, Defunct

[Package tools version 4.3.0 Index]