toTitleCase {tools}R Documentation

Convert Titles to Title Case


Convert a character vector to title case for English, especially package titles.





a character vector.


This is intended for English text only.

No definition of ‘title case’ is universally accepted: all agree that ‘principal’ words are capitalized and common words like ‘for’ are not, but not which words fall into each category.

Generally words in all capitals are left alone: this implementation knows about conventional mixed-case words such as ‘LaTeX’ and ‘OpenBUGS’ and a few technical terms which are not usually capitalized such as ‘jar’ and ‘xls’. However, unknown technical terms will be capitalized unless they are single words enclosed in single quotes: names of packages and libraries should be quoted in titles.


A character vector of the same length as text, without names.


toTitleCase("bayesian network modeling and analysis")
toTitleCase("ensemble tool for predictions from species distribution models")
## Treatment after "-":
toTitleCase("small- and large-scale analysis") # lowercase "and"

toTitleCase("a small fox is jumping")    # "a Small Fox is .."     (the 'a' may change)% i.e. BUG
toTitleCase("is a small fox jumping?")   # "Is a Small Fox .."     (fine)
## After ":", start a new sentence
toTitleCase("a pangram: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
toTitleCase("asking -- 'is a small fox jumping?'") # ".. -- Is a Small ..."     (fine)

[Package tools version 4.5.0 Index]