\documentclass[article,nojss]{jss} \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.eps} \newcommand{\mysection}[1]{\subsubsection[#1]{\textbf{#1}}} %% need no \usepackage{Sweave} \newcommand{\fct}[1]{{\code{#1()}}} \newcommand{\class}[1]{{`\code{#1}'}} \SweaveOpts{engine = R, strip.white = true, keep.source = true, eps = false} \author{ Gabor Grothendieck\\GKX Associates Inc. \And Achim Zeileis\\Universit\"at Innsbruck} \Plainauthor{Gabor Grothendieck, Achim Zeileis} \title{Reading Data in \pkg{zoo}} \Plaintitle{Reading Data in zoo} \Keywords{irregular time series, daily data, weekly data, data frame, text file} \Abstract{ This vignette gives examples of how to read data in various formats in the \pkg{zoo} package using the \fct{read.zoo} function. The function \fct{read.zoo} function expects either a text \code{file} (or text connection) as input or data frame. The former case is handled by first using \fct{read.table} to produce the data frame. (Instead of a text \code{file}, the \code{text} argument can be used to read a text string that is already stored in \proglang{R} which is used in the examples of this vignette.) Subsequently, \fct{read.zoo} provides a wide collection of convenience functionality to turn that data frame into a \class{zoo} series with a specific structure and a specific time index. In this vignette, an overview is provided of the wide variety of cases that can be handled with \fct{read.zoo}. All examples assume that \pkg{zoo} is already loaded and (if necessary) that the \pkg{chron} package has been loaded as well. Note that functions \fct{read.csv.zoo}, \fct{read.csv2.zoo}, \fct{read.delim.zoo}, and \fct{read.delim2.zoo} are available that call the respective \fct{read.*} function instead of \fct{read.table} and subsequently \fct{read.zoo}. However, these convenience interfaces are not employed in this vignette in order to demonstrate setting all arguments `by hand'. } \Address{ Gabor Grothendieck\\ GKX Associates Inc.\\ E-mail: \email{ggrothendieck@gmail.com}\\ Achim Zeileis\\ Universit\"at Innsbruck\\ E-mail: \email{Achim.Zeileis@R-project.org}\\ } \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{engine=R,eps=FALSE} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Reading Data in zoo} %\VignetteDepends{zoo} %\VignetteKeywords{irregular time series, daily data, weekly data, data frame, text file} %\VignettePackage{zoo} <>= library("zoo") library("chron") Sys.setenv(TZ = "GMT") @ \newpage \section*{Example 1} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (space-separated with header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{integer}. \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{integer}. \textbf{Strategy:} No transformation of time index needed, hence only a simple call to \fct{read.zoo}. <>= Lines <- " time latitude longitude altitude distance heartrate 1277648884 0.304048 -0.793819 260 0.000000 94 1277648885 0.304056 -0.793772 262 4.307615 95 1277648894 0.304075 -0.793544 263 25.237911 103 1277648902 0.304064 -0.793387 256 40.042988 115 " z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE) z @ \newpage \section*{Example 2} \textbf{Input class:} \class{data.frame}. \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor} with labels indicating AM/PM times but no date. \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{times} (from \pkg{chron}). \textbf{Strategy:} The idea is to add some dummy date (here 1970-01-01) to the \class{character} lables, then transform to \class{chron} and extract the \class{times}. <>= DF <- structure(list( Time = structure(1:5, .Label = c("7:10:03 AM", "7:10:36 AM", "7:11:07 AM", "7:11:48 AM", "7:12:25 AM"), class = "factor"), Bid = c(6118.5, 6118.5, 6119.5, 6119, 6119), Offer = c(6119.5, 6119.5, 6119.5, 6120, 6119.5)), .Names = c("Time", "Bid", "Offer"), row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame") DF @ <>= z <- read.zoo(DF, FUN = function(x) times(as.chron(paste("1970-01-01", x), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p"))) z @ \newpage \section*{Example 3} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (semicolon-separated with header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor}s with labels indicating dates (column~1) and times (column~2). \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series, with separate columns for each date. \textbf{Output index:} \class{times} (from \pkg{chron}). \textbf{Strategy:} Split the data based on date (column~1) and process times (column~2) to \class{times}. Enhance column names at the end. <>= Lines <- " Date;Time;Close 01/09/2009;10:00;56567 01/09/2009;10:05;56463 01/09/2009;10:10;56370 01/09/2009;16:45;55771 01/09/2009;16:50;55823 01/09/2009;16:55;55814 02/09/2009;10:00;55626 02/09/2009;10:05;55723 02/09/2009;10:10;55659 02/09/2009;16:45;55742 02/09/2009;16:50;55717 02/09/2009;16:55;55385 " f <- function(x) times(paste(x, 0, sep = ":")) z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, sep = ";", split = 1, index = 2, FUN = f) colnames(z) <- sub("X(..).(..).(....)", "\\3-\\2-\\1", colnames(z)) z @ \newpage \section*{Example 4} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (space-separated with header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor}s with labels indicating dates (column~1) and times (column~2). \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{chron} (from \pkg{chron}). \textbf{Strategy:} Indicate vector of two columns in \code{index}, which is subsequently processed by a \code{FUN} taking two arguments and returning a \class{chron} time/date. <>= Lines <- " Date Time O H L C 1/2/2005 17:05 1.3546 1.3553 1.3546 1.35495 1/2/2005 17:10 1.3553 1.3556 1.3549 1.35525 1/2/2005 17:15 1.3556 1.35565 1.35515 1.3553 1/2/2005 17:25 1.355 1.3556 1.355 1.3555 1/2/2005 17:30 1.3556 1.3564 1.35535 1.3563 " f <- function(d, t) as.chron(paste(as.Date(chron(d)), t)) z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, index = 1:2, FUN = f) z @ \newpage \section*{Example 5} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (space-separated with non-matching header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor}s with labels indicating dates (column~6) and unneeded weekdays (column~5) and times (column~7). \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{Date}. \textbf{Strategy:} First, \code{skip} the header line, remove unneeded columns by setting \code{colClasses} to \code{"NULL"}, and set suitable \code{col.names}. Second, convert the date column to a \class{Date} index using \code{format}. Finally, aggregate over duplicate dates, keeping only the last observation. <>= Lines <- " views number timestamp day time 1 views 910401 1246192687 Sun 6/28/2009 12:38 2 views 921537 1246278917 Mon 6/29/2009 12:35 3 views 934280 1246365403 Tue 6/30/2009 12:36 4 views 986463 1246888699 Mon 7/6/2009 13:58 5 views 995002 1246970243 Tue 7/7/2009 12:37 6 views 1005211 1247079398 Wed 7/8/2009 18:56 7 views 1011144 1247135553 Thu 7/9/2009 10:32 8 views 1026765 1247308591 Sat 7/11/2009 10:36 9 views 1036856 1247436951 Sun 7/12/2009 22:15 10 views 1040909 1247481564 Mon 7/13/2009 10:39 11 views 1057337 1247568387 Tue 7/14/2009 10:46 12 views 1066999 1247665787 Wed 7/15/2009 13:49 13 views 1077726 1247778752 Thu 7/16/2009 21:12 14 views 1083059 1247845413 Fri 7/17/2009 15:43 15 views 1083059 1247845824 Fri 7/17/2009 18:45 16 views 1089529 1247914194 Sat 7/18/2009 10:49 " cl <- c("NULL", "numeric", "character")[c(1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1)] cn <- c(NA, NA, "views", "number", NA, NA, NA) z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, skip = 1, col.names = cn, colClasses = cl, index = 3, format = "%m/%d/%Y", aggregate = function(x) tail(x, 1)) z @ Extract all Thursdays and Fridays. <>= (z45 <- z[format(time(z), "%w") %in% 4:5,]) @ Keep last entry in each week. <>= z45[!duplicated(format(time(z45), "%U"), fromLast = TRUE), ] @ Alternative approach: Above approach labels each point as it was originally labeled, i.e., if Thursday is used it gets the date of that Thursday. Another approach is to always label the resulting point as Friday and also use the last available value even if its not Thursday. Create daily grid and fill in so Friday is filled in with prior value if Friday is \code{NA}. <>= g <- seq(start(z), end(z), by = "day") z.filled <- na.locf(z, xout = g) @ Extract Fridays, including those filled in from previous day. <>= z.filled[format(time(z.filled), "%w") == "5", ] @ \newpage \section*{Example 6} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (comma-separated with header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor}s with labels indicating dates (column~1) and times (column~2). \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{chron} (from \pkg{chron}) or \class{POSIXct}. \textbf{Strategy:} Three versions, all using vector \code{index = 1:2}. <>= Lines <- " Date,Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Up,Down 05.02.2001,00:30,421.20,421.20,421.20,421.20,11,0 05.02.2001,01:30,421.20,421.40,421.20,421.40,7,0 05.02.2001,02:00,421.30,421.30,421.30,421.30,0,5" @ With custom \code{FUN} using \fct{chron} after appending seconds. <>= f <- function(d, t) chron(d, paste(t, "00", sep = ":"), format = c("m.d.y", "h:m:s")) z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, sep = ",", header = TRUE, index = 1:2, FUN = f) z @ With custom \code{FUN} using \fct{as.chron} with suitable \code{format}. <>= f2 <- function(d, t) as.chron(paste(d, t), format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M") z2 <- read.zoo(text = Lines, sep = ",", header = TRUE, index = 1:2, FUN = f2) z2 @ Without \code{FUN}, hence the \code{index} columns are pasted together and then passt do \fct{as.POSIXct} because \code{tz} and \code{format} are specified. <>= z3 <- read.zoo(text = Lines, sep = ",", header = TRUE, index = 1:2, tz = "", format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M") z3 @ \newpage \section*{Example 7} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (space-separated with header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor}s with labels indicating dates (column~1) and times (column~2). \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{POSIXct}. \textbf{Strategy:} Due to standard date/time formats, only \code{index = 1:2} and \code{tz = ""} need to be specified to produce \class{POSIXct} index. <>= Lines <- "Date Time V2 V3 V4 V5 2010-10-15 13:43:54 73.8 73.8 73.8 73.8 2010-10-15 13:44:15 73.8 73.8 73.8 73.8 2010-10-15 13:45:51 73.8 73.8 73.8 73.8 2010-10-15 13:46:21 73.8 73.8 73.8 73.8 2010-10-15 13:47:27 73.8 73.8 73.8 73.8 2010-10-15 13:47:54 73.8 73.8 73.8 73.8 2010-10-15 13:49:51 73.7 73.7 73.7 73.7 " z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, index = 1:2, tz = "") z @ \newpage \section*{Example 8} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (space-separated without header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor} with labels indicating dates. \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series, with separate columns depending on column~2. \textbf{Output index:} \class{Date}. \textbf{Strategy:} Non-standard \code{na.strings} format needs to be specified, series is \code{split} based on second column, and date \code{format} (in column~1, default) needs to be specified. <>= Lines <- " 13/10/2010 A 23 13/10/2010 B 12 13/10/2010 C 124 14/10/2010 A 43 14/10/2010 B 54 14/10/2010 C 65 15/10/2010 A 43 15/10/2010 B N.A. 15/10/2010 C 65 " z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, na.strings = "N.A.", format = "%d/%m/%Y", split = 2) z @ \newpage \section*{Example 9} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (comma-separated with header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor} with labels indicating date/time. \textbf{Output class:} Univariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{chron} (from \pkg{chron}) or \class{POSIXct}. \textbf{Strategy:} Ignore first two columns by setting \code{colClasses} to \code{"NULL"}. Either produce \class{chron} index via \fct{as.chron} or use all defaults to produce \class{POSIXct} by setting \code{tz}. <>= Lines <- ' "","Fish_ID","Date","R2sqrt" "1",1646,2006-08-18 08:48:59,0 "2",1646,2006-08-18 09:53:20,100 ' z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, sep = ",", colClasses = c("NULL", "NULL", "character", "numeric"), FUN = as.chron) z z2 <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, sep = ",", colClasses = c("NULL", "NULL", "character", "numeric"), tz = "") z2 @ \newpage \section*{Example 10} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (space-separated with non-matching header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor} with labels indicating date (column~3) and time (column~4). \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{chron} (from \pkg{chron}) or \class{POSIXct}. \textbf{Strategy:} \code{skip} non-matching header and extract date/time from two columns \code{index = 3:4}. Either using sequence of two functions \code{FUN} and \code{FUN2} or employ defaults yielding \class{POSIXct}. <>= Lines <- " iteration Datetime VIC1 NSW1 SA1 QLD1 1 1 2011-01-01 00:30 5482.09 7670.81 2316.22 5465.13 2 1 2011-01-01 01:00 5178.33 7474.04 2130.30 5218.61 3 1 2011-01-01 01:30 4975.51 7163.73 2042.39 5058.19 4 1 2011-01-01 02:00 5295.36 6850.14 1940.19 4897.96 5 1 2011-01-01 02:30 5042.64 6587.94 1836.19 4749.05 6 1 2011-01-01 03:00 4799.89 6388.51 1786.32 4672.92 " z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, skip = 1, index = 3:4, FUN = paste, FUN2 = as.chron) z z2 <- read.zoo(text = Lines, skip = 1, index = 3:4, tz = "") z2 @ \newpage \section*{Example 11} \textbf{Input class:} \class{data.frame}. \textbf{Input index:} \class{Date}. \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{Date}. \textbf{Strategy:} Given a \class{data.frame} only keep last row in each month. Use \fct{read.zoo} to convert to \class{zoo} and then \fct{na.locf} and \fct{duplicated}. <>= DF <- structure(list( Date = structure(c(14609, 14638, 14640, 14666, 14668, 14699, 14729, 14757, 14759, 14760), class = "Date"), A = c(4.9, 5.1, 5, 4.8, 4.7, 5.3, 5.2, 5.4, NA, 4.6), B = c(18.4, 17.7, NA, NA, 18.3, 19.4, 19.7, NA, NA, 18.1), C = c(32.6, NA, 32.8, NA, 33.7, 32.4, 33.6, NA, 34.5, NA), D = c(77, NA, 78.7, NA, 79, 77.8, 79, 81.7, NA, NA)), .Names = c("Date", "A", "B", "C", "D"), row.names = c(NA, -10L), class = "data.frame") DF z <- read.zoo(DF) na.locf(z)[!duplicated(as.yearmon(time(z)), fromLast = TRUE)] @ \newpage \section*{Example 12} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (space-separated without header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor} with labels indicating dates. \textbf{Output class:} Univariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{Date}. \textbf{Strategy:} Only keep last point in case of duplicate dates. <>= Lines <- " 2009-10-07 0.009378 2009-10-19 0.014790 2009-10-23 -0.005946 2009-10-23 0.009096 2009-11-08 0.004189 2009-11-10 -0.004592 2009-11-17 0.009397 2009-11-24 0.003411 2009-12-02 0.003300 2010-01-15 0.010873 2010-01-20 0.010712 2010-01-20 0.022237 " z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, aggregate = function(x) tail(x, 1)) z @ \newpage \section*{Example 13} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (comma-separated with header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor} with labels indicating date/time. \textbf{Output class:} Multivariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{POSIXct} or \class{chron} (from \pkg{chron}). \textbf{Strategy:} Dates and times are in standard format, hence the default \class{POSIXct} can be produced by setting \code{tz} or, alternatively, \class{chron} can be produced by setting \fct{as.chron} as \code{FUN}. <>= Lines <- " timestamp,time-step-index,value 2009-11-23 15:58:21,23301,800 2009-11-23 15:58:29,23309,950 " z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, sep = ",", tz = "") z z2 <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, sep = ",", FUN = as.chron) z2 @ \newpage \section*{Example 14} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (space-separated with header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{factor}s with labels indicating dates (column~1) times (column~2). \textbf{Output class:} Univariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{chron} (from \pkg{chron}). \textbf{Strategy:} Indicate vector \code{index = 1:2} and use \fct{chron} (which takes two separate arguments for dates and times) to produce \class{chron} index. <>= Lines <- " Date Time Value 01/23/2000 10:12:15 12.12 01/24/2000 11:10:00 15.00 " z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE, index = 1:2, FUN = chron) z @ \newpage \section*{Example 15} \textbf{Input class:} Text file/connection (space-separated with header). \textbf{Input index:} \class{numeric} year with quarters represented by separate columns. \textbf{Output class:} Univariate \class{zoo} series. \textbf{Output index:} \class{yearqtr}. \textbf{Strategy:} First, create a multivariate annual time series using the year index. Then, create a regular univariate quarterly series by collapsing the annual series to a vector and adding a new \class{yearqtr} index from scratch. <>= Lines <- " Year Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 1992 566 443 329 341 1993 344 212 133 112 1994 252 252 199 207 " za <- read.zoo(text = Lines, header = TRUE) za zq <- zooreg(as.vector(t(za)), start = yearqtr(start(za)), freq = 4) zq @ \newpage \section*{Further comments} Multiple files can be read and subsequently merged. <>= filenames <- dir(pattern = "csv$") z <- read.zoo(filenames, header = TRUE, sep = ",", fixed = FALSE) @ \end{document}