v1.4-2 - CRAN Re-up
    - Minor changes to allow this go back to CRAN, since they seem to
      have reposted the old package.  It should now be compliant.

v1.4-1 - Bug Fixes
  Bug Fixes:
    - Numerical error could lead to tiny imaginary values, which would
      cause cca to fail on some matrices.  These are now mopped up.

v1.4 - Minor Changes and New Features
    - Previous versions forced use of qr.solve; the standard solve function
      is now used (which will often default back to qr.solve, but may not)
    - ChangeLog is now NEWS, and the package has been moved to GitHub
      (perhaps one day even to return to CRAN)
  New Features:
    - cca now supports L2 regularization, and allows for a priori selection
      of a reduced canonical variate set for high-dimensional problems;
      support for faster eigendecomposition in these cases using RSpectra
      has been added (though experience suggests that speed comes at some
      loss of accuracy)

v1.3 - Minor Changes
    - Added yet more NAMESPACE changes, because the CRAN developers love
      nothing in this world more than breaking legacy code.

v1.2 - Minor Changes
    - Added NAMESPACE, so that this package will install with modern R

v1.1 - Bug Fixes and New Functions
  New Features:
    - F.test.cca: F Test for Canonical Correlations Using Rao's Approximation
      [Submitted by Nicholas Crookston]
  Bug Fixes:
    - cca would incorrectly flip signs in some cases.

v1.0 - Initial Public Release