1.2-2 (02/06/2020) ----- data.table moved from Suggests to Imports in order to satisfy CRAN check. URLs updated. 1.2-1 (02/22/2019) ----- Dependency on plyr removed. "On the fly" datasets are created via data.table. 1.2-0 (03/16/2018) ----- Added datasets on sex-specific total population (popMT, popFT, popMTproj, popFTproj; derived on the fly). NAs are now ignored when creating total population from age-specific datasets. 1.1-2 (02/08/2018) ----- Author changed to UNPD. 1.1-1 (9/29/2017) ----- Fixed special characters in country names. 1.1-0 (8/11/2017) ----- Added mx data for old ages. 1.0-0 (6/22/2017) ------ Initial version.